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1._______(Mr Green) brother is a worker.

2.He_______ (like) _______ (run)in the morning.

3.It_______ (be) there a moment ago.

4.There isn’t_______ (some) water in the glass.

5._______ Helen often_______ (go) to school on foot.

6.Look! The park keeper_______ (pick) the not up.

7._______ you_______ (have) _______ (some) _______ (hobby) ?

8.Would you like_______(take)photos?

9.Su Hai _______(sit) _______(quiet) now

10.SuYang shouldn’t _______(make) noise in the library.

11.He is from_______. He’s_______. He_______(speak) _______(法国)

12.Please pick_______(they) up for me.

13.I come from_______. I’m_______. I speak_______(中国)

14._______(not be)late for school.

15.He_______(not like) _______(collect) stamps.

16.There_______(not be) people in the room.

17.The birds are in the _______(birds)cage beside _______(Lily)desk.

18.It means” No_______(park).”

19.What _______ it_______(mean)?

20.My mother_______(like) _______(go) _______(shop).

21.How many _______(child)are there in your class.

22.Saturday is _______(seven) of a week.

23.He can_______(draw) pictures well.

24.Your friend_______(draw) pictures well.

25.I want to_______(go)to Nanjing by car.

26.Would you like_______(some) _______(scarf).

27.He_______(water)theflowers_______(careful)andtheflowersarevery_______ (beautifully).

28.______ the girl like _______ (sit) quietly? Yes, she does.

29.How many _______ (foot) does a m have?

30.My sister _______ (have) a lot of beautiful stamps.

31.This morning he _______ (help) an old man.

32.Who can help ______ (they) with their English?

33.Yang Ling is a _______ (China) girl.

34.Here are some flowers ______ (four) you.

35.Mary is ________ (write) am e-mail to her friend.

36.He _______ (have) many _________ (strawberry) on the plate.

37.______ he usually have a party at weekends? No, he ______. (do)

38.We often ______ (by) fruit in the supermarket.

39.We are now _______ (live) in the town.

40.I _______ (visit) the farm last Sunday.

41.Helen _______ (pick) many apples on the farm last week.

42.Did you like ______ (milk) cows, Nancy?

43.What _____ you _____ yesterday? We ______ our homework. (do) . Where ______ yougo yesterday? We ______ to a cinema.

44.He ______ (want)to go to the park this weekend, but I have no time.

45.Helen often ______ (go) to school by bus.

46.What ______ the students _______ (do) now? They ___________ (play) football in thefootball field.

47.Where ______ you a moment ago? I ______ in the reading room. (be)

48.__________ (not draw) on the wall.

49.We ______ (make) lots of delicious food. And we _______ (eat) them in the dining-roomyesterday evening.

50.Jim is from _______. He speaks ________. (France)

51.My birthday is on the ______ (three) of July.

52.This is _____ (I) wallet, not _____ (he).

53.______ (who) mirror is it? Is it _____ (your)? No, it’s not ______ (I). I think it is _____(she) mirror. It’s _____ (she).

54.There _____ (be) some orange juice in the bottle.

55Pass the newspaper to _____ (he). _____ (he) wants to find a job on it.

56.Miss White asks ______ (we) to sing the song. ._____ (we) must follow _____ (she).

57._____ (Who) is this skateboard? It’s ________(he)

58.Is this bike ________(you)? No, maybe it’s ________(she).
