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一•语音知识(共5小题;每题1. 5分,共7. 5分。)


1. A. climb B. job C. disturb D. club

2. A. sweater B. meant C. pleasure D. pleased

3. A. drunk B. dusty C. duty D. drug

4. A. breathe B. nothing C. clothes D. weather

5. A. prove B. rose C. wrote D. broke



6. Regular exercise can ________ y ou aga inst heart disease.

A. fight

B. protect

C. keep

D. support

7. Over a hun dred people expressedtheir worries, but ________ were willi ng to help.

A. some

B. ma ny

C. few

D. little

8. You can't do any thi ng else un til you _______ your homework.

A. fini shed

B. will fin ish

C. have fini shed

D. had fini shed

9. First draw a line ________ the middle of the page. The n write a word in the space above the line.

A. across

B. over

C. betwee n

D. within

10. The man ager had Ms. Brun ell ________ the new assista nt around yesterday.

A. to show

B. showed

C. show ing

D. show

11. Send for a doctor quickly. The man ________ .

A. will die

B. is dying

C. dies

D. died

12. I enjoy listening to Miss White; my English teacher, _______ ,I can only understand about half of what she says.

A. whe n

B. because

C. if

D. though

13. The bag is very heavy. Come and lend me a han _______ ?

A. should you

B. do you

C. can you

D. will you

14. After work ing for two hours, I found ________ impossible to complete the paper in time.

A. me

B. this

C. that

D. it

15. It was very kind of you to clea n the office, though you _______ .

A. neednt'o

B. wouldn t'have

C. didn t have to

D. mustn t'have done

16. The faster any thi ng goes up into the sky, ________ .

A. it reaches the highest

B. it reaches the higher

C. the highest it reaches

D. the higher it reaches

17. Joe took his frie nds there by a shortcut, ________ reduced the drive from 50 minu tes to 15.

A. where

B. which

C. that

D. what

18. ________ there like that, you rem ind me of your father.

A. To sit

B. Bei ng sitt ing

C. Sitti ng

D. Sit

19. He told me that the nu mber of stude nts to be admitted ________ at that time.

A. had not bee n decided on

B. were not decided on

C. has not bee n decided on

D. are not decided on

20. Jack told his daughter that she could have ________ she wan ted for Christmas.

A. which

B. whatever

C. that

D. whe never



It was the late spri ng of 1979, a hot Saturday after noon. Hun dreds of us sat 21 , side by side, in rows of woode n chairs on the ma in campus law n (校园草坪).We 22 blue robes 毕业生长袍).We liste ned carefully to long 23 . When the cerem ony (典礼)was 24_,we threw our caps in the air, and we were officially graduated from college.

After that, I found Morrie Schwartz, my 25 ___ p rofessor, and introduced him to my 26 .He

was a small man who took small steps, as if a 27 wi nd could; at any time, 28 him up into the clouds! His teeth were in good shape. When he smiled it was as if you had just 29 him the funni est joke on earth.

He told my pare nts how I 30 every class he taught. He told them, "You have a 31 boy here. He helped me a lot." Shy but 32 , I looked at my feet. Before we left, I 33 Mr. Schwartz a prese nt, a briefcase with his n ame on the fron t. I did n't want to forget him. 34 I did n't want him to forget me. He asked if I would keep in 35 , and without hesitatio n (犹豫)I said, "Of course." Whe n he tur ned aroun d, I saw tears in his eyes.

21. A. alo ng B. around C. beside D. together

22. A. took B. wore C. put on D. g ot in

23. A. lectures B. dialogues C. speeches D. r eports

24. A. on B. up C. over D. a way

25. A. lovely B. precious C. happy D. f avorite

26. A. pare nts B. elder brother C. girl frie nd D. f rie nds

27. A. stro ng B. north C. warm D. c old

28. A. beat B. pull C. blow D. w ipe

29. A. made B. told C. played D. g ive n

30. A. left B. reached C. missed D. t ook

31. A. special B. brave C. busy D. s erious

32. A. asto ni shed B. pleased C. disappo in ted D. n ervous

33. A. ha nded B. sent C. delivered D. b rought

34. A. While B. But C. And D. F or

35. A. conv ersati on B. mind C: compa ny D. t ouch




After working long hours on her feet everyday in the operating, room, Taryn Rose knew a lot about foot pain. But un like most of her colleagues(同事),she turned her pain in to mon ey. Today she is the boss of Tary n Rose Intern ati on al, a $528 millio n compa ny that makes n ice and comfortable shoes.

At the begi nning, Rose realized the only thing that could stop her was fear of failure. "I could hear my friends and family saying, 'Why did you leave a good job?' If I failed, would I be okay facing them? And: they thought, 'So what? I can go back for further study in medic in e.' I started to accept that it would be okay to say, 'I failed, but I tried. Once I was comfortable with that th6fight, the fear
