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33 化学反应速度



In this chapter we look into how chemical reactions occur. The principal aspect we examine is the rate of a reaction, and we shall see how it. depends on the temperature and the concentrations of the species that are present.


There are two main reasons for studying the rates of reactions. The first is the practical importance of being able to predict how quickly a reaction mixture will move its equilibrium state: the rate might depend on a number of factors under our control, such as the temperature, the pressure, and the presence of a catalyst, and, depending on our aims, we may be able to make the reaction proceed at an optimum rate. For instance, in an industrial process it might be economical for the reactions to proceed very rapidly; but not so rapidly as to produce an explosion. By contrast, in a biological process it may be appropriate for a reaction to proceed only slowly, and to be switched on and off at the demand of some activity.


The second reason for studying reaction rates (which, as we shall see, is closely bound up with the first) is that the study of rates can reveal the mechanisms of reactions. The term ‘mechanism’ has two connotations in this context. The first is the analysis of a chemical reaction into a sequence of elementary steps. For example, we might discover that the reaction of hydrogen and bromine proceeds by a sequence of steps involving the fission of Br2 into two bromine atoms, the attack of one of these atoms on H2, and so on. The statement of all the elementary steps constitutes the statement of the mechanism of the reaction. The other meaning of mechanism relates to the individual steps themselves, and concerns their detailed nature. In this sense 'mechanism' concerns what happens as a bromine atom approaches and attacks a rotating, vibrating, hydrogen molecule.



The first type of analysis of mechanism is the central feature of classical chemical kinetics, and we concentrate on it in this chapter. The second type of analysis, called chemical dynamics, had to await the technological advances that made available molecular beams for the study of individual molecular collisions, and is discussed in the next chapter. The dividing line between chemical kinetics and chemical dynamics is not clear cut; crude models of individual reaction steps were built on the basis of kinetic analyses, and we see something of this in the present chapter.


Empirical chemical kinetics


The basic data of chemical kinetics are the concentrations of the reactants and products as functions of time. The method selected for monitoring the concentrations depends on the nature of the species involved in the reaction, and on its rapidity.


Many reactions go to completion (that is, attain thermodynamic equilibrium) over a period of minutes of hours, and may be monitored by classical techniques. One of the following methods is often chosen.


(1) Pressure changes. A reaction in the gas phase might result in a change of pressure, and so its progress may be monitored by recording the pressure as a function of time. An instance of this is the decomposition of nitrogen (V) oxide , N2O5, according to For every mole of N2O5 destroyed, 5/2 moles of gaseous products are formed. and so the pressure of the system increases during the course of the reaction. This method is inappropriate for reactions that leave the overall pressure unchanged, and for reactions in solution.

