全国高考英语 语法填空单句练习

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1. I haven't heard from him _____ he went to America .

2.He won't be here _____ he is invited .

3. He will not go to the cinema _____ he is very busy .

4. We found the key _____ she lad left it .

5. We found the books two days ____ he had gone away .

6. We had no sooner got to the station _____ the train left .

7. Hespeaks English ______ he were an Englishman .

8.He is explaining clearly _______ they could understand .

9. Do not leave the room _____ you have finished the test .

10. She sang ______ she went along .

答案:1.since2.unless3.because4.where5.after6.than7.asif8.sothat9.before 10.as

1.____ will do the experiment comes to the professor's office .

2. ___ will do the experiment hasn't been decided .

3. The teacher didn't leave ______ twelve o'clock .

4. ______ the day went on , the weather got worse .

5. _____ she is young , she knows quite a lot .

6.It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey .

7. You will be late ____ you leave immediately.

8.Go and get your coat . It's ______ you left it .

9.______ismentionedabove,thenumberofthestudentsinseniorhighschoolsisincre asing .

10. ____ had I entered the room ____ the phone rang .










9.As10Hardly, when ( No sooner , than )

1.---Could you tell me _____ the man is ?

--- He is my brother.

2. I didn't know _____ he was coming until yesterday .

3.----It's still a question ____ we shall have our sports .

--- It's said we shall have it next week .

4. The news _____ he was chosen made us happy .

5. The doctor asked ____ medicine you have taken .

6. This is _____ they solved the problems in the city .

7._____ our football team will win is uncertain yet .

8. _____ frightened us most was _____ two lights appeared suddenly in the darkness .

9. My mother asked ____ was the matter with me .

10. The reason I didn't come to the meeting was ____ Igot ill .

答案:1. who 2. that 3.when 4.that 5.what 6.how 7.Whether 8.What 9. what 10 that

1. Please pass me the notebook ____ cover is yellow .

2. Li Hua was one of the girls ____ have the chance to go abroad.

3.He must be form Africa , ____ can be seen from his skin .

4. Air ,___ we breathe every day , is around us all the time .

5. 1949 was the year ____ the New China was born .

6.I don't know the reason ____ she looks unhappy today .

7. This is the village _____ my father worked three years ago .

8.I still remember the day ____ the old scientist took us to thelab for the first time .

9.The letter ______ I received yesterday is from my sister .

10.The woman _____ you saw in the park is our geography teacher .

答案:1. whose 2.who 3.as 4.which 5.when 6.why 7.where 8.when 9.that


1. Evidence has been piled up _______ drinking water after getting up in the morning

contributes to one’s health.

2.Manyexpertsbelievethatteachers’developmentis_______thekeytobettereduca tion lies.

3. He was disappointed ____ he had learned from books quite differed from his actuallife.


5. The question came up at the meeting ______ we had enough money for our research.

6. It happened once, however, some seventy years ago, ______ the gold cup was stolen

a few days before the race!
