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SOCKET是在Windows进行网络通信编程的API接口,也是Windows网络编程的事实标准。在网络编程中最常用的方案便是C/S模型。本程序是一个基于C/S模式的网络聊天程序,主要用于测试面向连接的socket编程技术。本程序使用Virtual C++6.0编写。为方便测试,本程序采用server(服务器端)和client(客户端)合一模式,使用简洁方便。需要注意的是本程序C/S端合一的模式和服务器地址、服务器端口号固定以及自动申请用户登陆ID的设计不只为了方便测试,而且适宜商业化,但是在商业化阶段还是需要进行改进。本文主要是对本软件服务器端的设计作了比较详细的介绍,并对服务器端进行了初步的开发。而客户端的设计有很多都需要完善。客户端是给用户使用的,从方便和美观上,还都还有很多需要完善的地方。而且,由于时间关系,客户端还有些功能没有完全。如果要使本系统成为一个实际应用系统并在网络上实际应用,还要再下一番功夫进行设计。



The SOCKET connects in the API that the Windows carries on the network correspondence plait distance, is also the fact standard that the network of Windows weaves the distance. The most in common use project would be the customer/server model in network weave distance. This text puts forward to carry out the Internet with the WINSOCK under customer/server model in the project of the familiar chat room software. This procedure is an according to customer/server mode of the network chat procedure, mainly used for the test to face to the copular socket plait distance. Use the Virtual C++6.0 plaits write. Test for the convenience, the procedure adoption server (the server carry) and client (the customer carry) s unite as one the mode, using the simple and direct convenience. What to need to be notice is this procedure the customer carry the server carry to unite as one of mode and obtain this machine IP address and au to be the customer debarkation ID the calculator automatically of design test for the convenience only, well proper and commercial, so need to carry on the improvement in the commercial stage.This article was mainly has made the quite detailed introduction to this software server end design, and has carried on the preliminary development to the server end. But the client side design has many needs to consummate. The client side is to the user the use, from convenient and on artistic, but also has the place which many needs to consummate. Moreover, as a result of the time relationship, the client side also has a function not completely. If must make this system to become a practical application system and in the network the practical application, but must the next time carry on the design again.

Keyword: socket client server The network chats


第一章概述 (1)

1.1选题来源及意义 (1)

1.1.1选题来源 (1)

1.1.2选题意义 (1)

1.2任务、要求及问题提出 (1)

1.2.1任务、要求 (1)

1.2.2问题提出 (2)

1.3国内外发展概况 (2)

1.3.1国内外发展概况 (2)

1.3.2发展趋势 (3)

第二章设计原理和过程 (5)

2.1用户需求分析 (5)

2.2设计原理概述 (5)

2.3系统模块设计 (6)

2.4服务器数据库设计 (8)

2.5客户/服务器程序设计 (9)

2.6 TCP/IP协议 (11)

第三章详细设计 (14)

3.1类设计总体结构 (14)

3.2服务器端底层通讯类设计 (15)

3.3客户端底层通讯类设计 (16)

3.4客户/服务器间通讯数据类设计 (17)

3.5服务器应用程序类设计 (17)

3.6客户端应用程序类设计 (18)

第四章系统实现 (21)

4.1系统环境 (21)

4.1.1系统软硬环境 (21)

4.1.2系统安装说明 (21)

4.1.3系统运行说明 (22)

4.1.4系统使用说明 (24)

4.2具体实现 (24)

4.2.1登录模块 (24)

4.2.2查找用户模块 (24)
