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objects move?.
• Newton was the greatest mathematician and physicist in the world.
• When did Newton born? • Where did Newton from? • Which university did he
Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
• One day, Newton was reading under an apple tree.
• Suddenly, an apple fell down.
He thought,
-Why the apple fell down?
-Whether anything will also fall down or not?
无悔无愧于昨天,丰硕殷实 的今天,充满希望的明天。
• From the very first Newton was very much interested in the mysteries of nature.
• One of the most difficult scientific problems of Newton's day was about the question of motion. Why did
- Will the sun, the moon and stars fall down, too?
After a lot of experiments, Newton finally found the Law of Gravity.
• Most of us know the story of Newton and the falling apple.
• But do you know what kind of man this great scientist was?
• Where he stands in the history of science?.
• Newton was born in1643. He grew up in the English countryside.