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9.惊奇__________ 10.课___________ 11.谈话________ 12.找到___________ 13.下一个________14.洗___________ 15.然后________ 16.believe_________

17. together ________18. bridge_________19.really______ 20.church_________


1.请自便吧!(翻译成英文) ______________________________________

2.这里有很多好东西。(翻译成英文) _______________________________

3. There’s some food on the table over there. (翻译成汉语)


4. What time is it? (写出同义句)___________________________________

5. There’s some fish. (写出否定句)________________________________

6. There’re some hot dishes. (改为一般疑问句)


7. There is three people in the field. (改错)


8. There is a bus in the street. (变为复数句)


9. There are four dogs beside the gate? (改为一般疑问句并做出肯定回答)


10. You are the captain of one side, Robert.(英译汉)


三. 单项选择(20分)

1. There_________any meat in the fridge.

A. is

B. are

C. isn’t

D. aren’t

2. There is__________on the table over there.

A. some bread

B. any bread C .lot’s of children D. some oranges

3. There aren’t_________in that basket.

A. any meat

B. some meat

C. any grapes

D. a lot of milk

4. He can’t find_________music book.

A. he

B. she

C. him

D. his

5. ___________your schoolbag.

A. Look in

B. See

C. See in

D. Look

6. It’s a quarter___________ten.

A. to

B. of

C. at

D. in

7. I haven’t got__________beer in the fridge.

A. a

B. an

C. some

D. any

8._____________juice have we got?

A. how many

B. how much

C. how

D. who

9. I mustn’t train on_________empty stomach.

A. a

B. the

C. an

D. /

10.Have you_______ any orange juice?

A.get B. got C. have D. had

四. 首字母填空

1.We are on the London Eye. I can’t b__________ it.

2.What can you s__________with the binoculars?

3.Lucy is g__________at English, but Jim is useless. .

4.There is some sugar in that b____________.

5.There a__________some peaches. Help y .

6.Hello, Karen! Nice to s____________to you.

7.We must f____________our books for the music lesson.

8.I can’t r___________the name of the camera.

9.How m__________ juice do you w_________?

10.Lucy is l _________ for her book. She can’t find it.

五. 读下文并回答问题。(20分)

It’s six o’clock. Robert and Lucy are both very hungry. Paul is there and he is hungry too.

There are lots of good things on the table. There’s some cold meat and cold fish, an d some salad and rice. There’s bread and butter, and there’s a lot of cheese too.

The children can drink water, orange juice, apple juice or milk. Or they can have tea.

There’s a lot of fruit too. There are apples, oranges, peaches and grapes.

There aren’t any hot dishes today.

1. Who are hungry?

