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1. 单数名词(代词),不可数名词作主语时,谓语用单数形式,复数名词(代词)作主语,谓语


The desk is Tom’s. 这张桌子是汤姆的。

Some water is in the bottle. 一些水在瓶子里。

The students are playing football on the playground. 学生正在操场上踢足球.

2. 动词不定式,动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:

To see is to believe.眼见为实。

Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes. 做眼保健操对眼睛有好处。

Reading newspapers and magazines is good for our study. 读书和看报纸对学习有好处。

(虽然newspapers and magazines为复数,但是句子的主语是reading,所以动词依旧是is)Eating candies and chocolates is bad for our teeth.吃糖和巧克力对牙齿不好。

(同理,虽然candies and chocolates为复数,但是句子的主语是eating,所以动词依旧是is)3.“many a+单数名词”(许多)或者“more than one+单数名词”(超过一个)作主语,意义


Many a student has been to Shanghai. 许多学生到过上海。

Many a student likes reading. 许多学生喜欢阅读。

More than one student has failed the exam. 不止一个学生考试不及格

More than one student has ever been to Beijing. 不止一个学生曾经去过北京。

4. 表示时间,价格,重量,数目,长度,数学运算等的词或短语作主语时,这些通常作一个整体概念,谓语用单数形式。

Two months is a long holiday. 两个月是一个长假。

Twenty pounds isn’t so heavy. 2 0磅并不太重。

Ten miles isn’t a long distance. 1 0英里并不是一段很长的距离。

Two thousand dollars is a large sum of money. 2000美金是很大一笔钱

5. 主语为one of , each of等加复数名词或代词,谓语用单数。如:

One of my favorite sports is basketball.

One of the students is reading.

Each of them has an English dictionary.

6. each, either, neither, another, the other +名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。

Each student has his own dictionary.

Either answer is correct. 两个答案中有一个是正确的。

Neither answer is correct两个答案都不正确。

Another solution(解决的办法)to the problem is needed.

One student is reading while the other student is reading.

7. 不定代词somebody, someone, something, anybody, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, no one, nothing作主语,谓语动词用单数。

Is everyone here today? 今天大家到齐了吗?

Something is wrong with him. 他有毛病。

Nobody was in the classroom. 没人在教室。

8. 有些以—s 结尾的名词本身不表示复数意义,谓语通常用单数形式,如news, maths,


No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。

Maths is very popular in our class 在我们班数学很受欢迎。

某些以-s结尾的地理名称,例如国名,如the United States,the Netherlands等,或者是组织名字:the United Nations(联合国),谓语动词用作单数。

The United States is a developed country. 美国是一个发达国家。

The United Nations is an international organization

9. 由both…and…连接两个单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;

Both his father and his mother are both teachers. 他的爸爸和妈妈都是老师。

10. 由and连接的两个单数名词作主语时,一般用复数形式

Swimming and walking are good exercises.

Reading newspapers and taking a walk after dinner are good habits.



The writer and the teacher are coming. 作家和老师来了。(作家和老师是两个人)

The writer and teacher is coming. 那位作家兼教师来了。(作家和教师指同一个人)

The bread and the butter are their main food. (面包和黄油作为两种独立的食物)

The bread and butter is his favorite food. (抹了黄油的面包这一种食物)

A knife and fork is on the table. (这个里面knife和fork是一套餐具,算一个整体)Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.

②every, each, no, many a 做定语时,即使用and 连接两个主语,谓语也用单数.

No teacher and (no) student has seen the film.

No food and (no) water is in the house.

Each boy and (each) girl has got a seat. 每个男孩和女孩都有一个座位。

Every boy and (every) girl has got a seat.

Many a boy and many a girl has already seen the film.

③one and a half+复数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。

One and a half cake is on the table.

11. 当主语部分含有with,together with,along with,as well as,besides,except,but,like 等介词短语时,因为介词短语是起修饰的作用,所以谓语动词由介词短语之前的名词的单复数决定,与介词短语之后的名词无关。

The fruit (like apples, oranges) is good for our health.(句子括号部分为修饰成分)
