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包含The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements

合并We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons.


代表Jack Kennedy embodied all the hopes of the 1960s.

包含The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution conclusively

确凿的You certainly can't connect it conclusively to the missing woman. contaminate

污染More than 100,000 people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water. inflict

使承受Terrorists inflict huge suffering and loss.

Don't inflict damage on any person.


被解雇的My husband was made redundant late last year.

多余的This word is redundant, it can be left out.


啰嗦冗长的I thought the professor's speech was a little wordy. mansion

宅邸大厦It was Gatsby's grand mansion.


消除驱散The tension in the room had dissipated

浪费(时间金钱)He is dissipating his time and energy on too many different things paddle

桨We might be able to push ourselves across with the paddle.


篱笆-防范You can hedge against redundancy(失业)or illness with insurance

躲闪回避They hedged in answering various questions about the operation... collide

相撞Racing up the stairs, he almost collided with Daisy.


同时发生The exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death

(想法利益)一致I do not coincide with you in politics.


堵塞(道路)Tractors and container lorries have completely obstructed the road.

阻挠(进展进程)The authorities are obstructing a United Nations investigation.

遮住挡住(视线)Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight. integrally

完整地It also provides an integrally uniform framework for monetary analysis. illiteracy

文盲Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates.


悲伤痛苦Jealousy causes distress and painful emotions.

危难危险He expressed concern that the ship might be in distress.


最优的optimal solution of this problem


职业How long have you been in your present occupation?

占用the act of living in or using a building, room, piece of land, etc.

侵占But the British did not think so, that the British era, full of mind are the massacres,occupation, or even extinction.



He did not feel obliged to conform to the rules that applied to ordinary men.


I am well aware that we all conform to one stereotype or another


断言,坚持声称The ministers issued an affirmation of their faith in the system.

证实确认Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion. obscure

无名的The origin of the custom is obscure

遮蔽模糊不清Trees obscured his vision, he couldn't see much of the Square adequate

可用的合格的I have no adequate preparation.

defiance(in defiance of )

违抗蔑视挑战She acted in defiance of my orders.

Defiance, fear and resentment radicalize people's mindsets.
