必修一英语作文之求助信 27

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A. 点明目的 我写信是为了向你寻求帮助。
1. _I’_m_w__ri_t_in_g_t_o_y_o_u_t_o_g_e_t_/_a_s_k_f_o_r_s_o_m_e_h_e_lp_. 2. I__a_m_w_r_i_ti_n_g_t_h_is_l_e_tt_e_r_t_o_a_s_k_y_o_u_t_o_d_o__m_e
必修一英语作文之求助信 27
How to Write a Letter of Asking for Help
必修一英语作文之求助信 27
必修一英语作文之求助信 27
Lead in
• Read a sample of a writing passage and find out the structure and characteristics of a letter for help.
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必修一英语作文之求助信 27
Useful expressions for writing the letter:
• A. 点明目的 • B. 描述困难 • C. 恳求帮助 • D. 表示感谢 • E. 期盼回复
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必修一英语作文之求助信 27
_a_f_a_v_o_r/_g_iv_e__m_e_a_h_a_n_d_. _____________
More expressions: 3. I am sorry to bother you, but I really need
your help (with …) 4. I’m writing to ask whether you can help me.
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必修一英语作文之求助信 27
1. 通常使用的时态:__一__般_现__在__时______;
2. 阐述要清晰,用词要恰当,注意语气委婉、 真诚;情态动词多使用____w_o_u_ld_/_c_ould
3. 注意使用过渡性词汇,如:first, besides, also, what’s more, at the same time, meanwhile, in addition, unfortunately, luckily, thus, however, so that 等等。
have trouble when I do sth.
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必修一英语作文之求助信 27
1. _C_o_ul_d_y_o_u_p_l_ea_s_e_g_i_v_e_m_e_a__h_an_d_?_________ 2. _I__w_o_n_de_r__if_y_o_u_c_a_n_h_e_l_p_m_e_w__it_h_t_h_e____
2. I would _a_p_p_re_c_i_at_e_ it _i_f_y_ou__c_ou_l_d_o_f_f_er__
_m_e__h_el_p_. __________________________
More expressions: 3. I would like to express my thanks/
gratitude in advance (for your kindness). 4. Thank you for …
More expressions:
3. Faced with/Facing so much difficulty, I have to turn to you for some help.
4. It would be very helpful if you could do me a favor. 5. I really don’t know what to do and expect you to
2. _I_f_in_d__it_d_i_ff_i_c_ul_t_f_o_r_m_e__to__d_o_s_th_.______
More expressions: 3. I am now confronted/faced with the
difficulty with …/ following difficulties.. 4. The reason why I write this letter is that I
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必修一英语作文之求助信 27 必修一英语作文之求助信 27
必修一英语作文之求助信 27
恳求帮助 表示感谢
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必修一英语作文之求助信 27
Common structure
• 1. 交代背景 / 询问对方,___点_明__目_的__; • 2. 叙述现状,_描__述_困__难__,_恳__求_帮_助___; • 3. 寻求帮助,__表_示__感_谢__,期盼回复。
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Байду номын сангаас
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1. _I_h_a_ve__s_om__e_d_if_f_ic_u_lt_y_/_t_r_o_u_b_le_i_n_d_o_in_g_…___ _(b_e_c_a_u_se__…_)______________________
give me your advice/ suggestions. 6. I have no idea what I should do and long for your
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必修一英语作文之求助信 27
D.表示感谢 如果你能帮助我/给予我建议,我将不胜感激。 1. I would be grateful _if_y_o_u_c_o_ul_d_g_i_ve__m_e_s_o_m_e