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--1.在产品表中检索所有产品名称以字符串’en’或’ton’结尾的产品,并按单价降序排序。select*from Products where ProductName like'%en'or ProductName like'%ton' order by UnitPrice desc



select top 5 *from Products where UnitPrice between 15 and 25

order by NewID()



select distinct City from Customers where Country='USA'



--使用like和is not null

select*from Suppliers where postalcode like'[A-Z]%'and Fax is not null --5.在员工表中检索所有备注为Sales Representative的这些员工的主管(ReportsTo)的



select distinct ReportsTo from Employees where notes='Sales Representative'



select*from Orders where RequiredDate<='2009-06-30'and(ShippedDate is null or ShippedDate>='2009-06-30')


--使用group by和having

select CategoryID,AVG(UnitPrice)from Products

group by CategoryID

having AVG(UnitPrice)>20


--使用带两个关键字的group by

select SupplierID,CategoryID,AVG(UnitPrice)from Products

group by SupplierID,CategoryID

order by SupplierID,CategoryID


--在使用group by的查询语句中,注意where和having的出现顺序位置

select SupplierID from Products

where UnitPrice<20

group by SupplierID

having count(*)>=2


--使用带两个关键字的group by

select CustomerID,Month(OrderDate)as'Month',COUNT(*)as'NumberofOrders'

from Orders

where OrderDate between'2009-01-01'and'2009-12-31'

group by CustomerID,MONTH(OrderDate)

order by CustomerID,MONTH(OrderDate)


--使用带where的group by

select ProductID,COUNT(*)as'NumberofOrders',SUM(Amount)as'Amount' from Orders as a

join OrderItems as b on a.OrderID=b.OrderID

where OrderDate between'2009-01-01'and'2009-12-31'

group by ProductID

order by ProductID


--使用带where、having和多表连接的group by

select Firstname+' '+Lastname as EmployeeName from Orders as a

join OrderItems as b on a.OrderID=b.OrderID

join Employees as c on a.EmployeeID=c.EmployeeID

where OrderDate between'2009-01-01'and'2009-12-31'

group by Firstname+' '+Lastname

having SUM(Amount)>1500000

order by EmployeeName



select ProductID,Unitprice from Products

where UnitPrice>(select UnitPrice*2 from Products where ProductName='tofu') and CategoryID=(select CategoryID from Products where ProductName='tofu')




select CategoryID,AVG(UnitPrice)from Products

group by CategoryID having AVG(UnitPrice)>

(select AVG(UnitPrice)from Products as a

join categories as b on a.CategoryID=b.CategoryID where



--在group by中使用多表连接

select CompanyName,COUNT(*)from Customers as a

join Orders as b on a.CustomerID=b.CustomerID

group by CompanyName

having COUNT(*)>=20



select ProductName from Products as a where exists

(select 1 from Suppliers as b where a.SupplierID=b.SupplierID and



select ProductName from Products where SupplierID in

(select SupplierID from Suppliers where Country='USA')
