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江西于都实验中学2019高三下周考(三)-英语(带解析)第Ⅰ卷(三部分, 115分)




21. --- W ill you join us in the Talent Show?

---Thank you, ______.

A. but why not?

B. but I’d rather not.

C. and I won’t.

D. and I’ll join

22. Many scholars and experts from all over the world will be invited to attend this yearly ______ on global warming.

A. reference

B. intention

C. constitution

D. conference

23. She was on _____ horns of a dilemma. We were trying to think of ______ way out, but it was impossible to find one.

A. a; the

B. a; a

C. the; a

D. the; 不填

24. To be honest, Little Jack is not at all innocent as he ______.

A. appears

B. performs

C. behaves

D. shows

25. The decision about which college to go to cannot be made by any one of us

______ yourself.

A. more than

B. other than

C. rather than

D. better than

26. My cousin sent me an email with one of her photos in front of The Heaven Temple ______ to it.

A. attach

B. attaching

C. attached

D. to attach

27. ---Linda prefers shutting herself in or hanging around all day when feeling blue.

--- That’s ______ I don’t agree. She should talk more with some friends.

A. what

B. how

C. where

D. when

28. I wonder why you won’t do it as ______ and it’s the third time you ______ so.

A. I told you, do

B. told to, have done

C. be told, have done

D. told, do

29. The press reception was to ______ at nine o’clock, but the spokesman had not turned up by ten.

A. start

B. be starting

C. have started

D. be started

30. The bill came into effect in 1978, ______ the economical system has witnessed great breakthroughs.

A. since then

B. during which

C. when

D. since when

31. ---Did you enjoy his speech?

---Sure, what he said really ______.

A. makes it

B. makes sense

C. makes sure

D. makes a difference

32. Don’t trust the guy. He’ll promise you to do one thing but more often than not

he’ll ______ and do exactly the opposite.

A. come around

B. look around

C. turn around

D. get around

33. ______ the beef disturbance is unlikely to last long, it would apparently hurt the total export of the fourth quarter.

A. Since

B. Before

C. Unless

D. Although

34. --- The applicant is waiting outside. ______she come in to see you, Sir?

--- Yes, please show her in. I have got something important to tell her.

A. Shall

B. W ill

C. Would

D. Must

35. ---Is there any possibility ______ you could pass the driving test at the first attempt?

--- No problem.

A. When

B. what

C. whether

D. that



I’ll never forget the Christmas when I played Santa’s helper. Our son Alvin, who was six years old, 36 a new sound system. “Please bring me a new stereo(立体声) so I don’t have to listen to my dad’s old 37 ,” he told the mall Santa. Laura and I took note.

On Christmas Eve, we placed Santa’s cookies and milk 38 the fire, tossed a few carrots on the roof for the reindeer, and 39 Alvin to sleep in our bed at the back of the house, 40 the sound of Santa’s boots wouldn’t wake him. I had

41 a small workshop in the spare bedroom and spent the whole night putting together that stereo.

42 , I took a break to move Alvin from our bed to his—he was afraid that Santa might think he wasn’t home and would forget to 43 presents. He twisted a bit while I carried him but 44 opened his eyes. At last, I finished the stereo and 45 it by the tree. Laura and I fell asleep 46 that Christmas morning, filled with 47 . At 7 a.m., Alvin woke us up and 48 us to the Christmas tree at a dead run. He fell in love with the sound system—we were 49 for a week.

A few days passed, and Alvin asked me a 50 question. “Dad, how did I get from your 51 to mine?” Ever the clever one, I said, “Santa 52 you! Isn’t that fun?!” He said nothing, walking into the hall and looking closely at the

53 . He came back, arms folded. “Dad, we need to talk, but Mom can’t hear. Santa either wears the same clothing as you do, 54 you are Santa Claus!” I was astonished. “Look at the wheel marks on the carpet. The stereo was rolled out of that bedroom and down the hallway.” After that, the real fun began. Alvin got to be Santa when we donated presents to a 55 family—he just loved it. Christmas is still a special time around our household.

36. A. applied for B. sent for C. asked for D. headed for

37. A. story B. music C. voice D. manner

38. A. over B. by C. to D. with

39. A. put B. reminded C. took D. returned

40. A. because B. for C. that D. where
