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Unit 1 Enjoy your turn.

Jim: You look down in the dumps. What can I do to cheer you up? Wallace: It’s not going to work. I’m depressed.

Jim: Come on. Tell me what’s on your mind.

Wallace:Everything. I can’t find an internship, my dog ran away, my wallet was stolen…

Jim: Don’t worry. I’ll help you solve the big problem:finding you a new internship.

Wallace:Thank you. Anyway, I’m getting bad grades, and I was told that I have to repeat a lot of courses next year. When I heard that, I almost lost it.

Jim: Look, relax. I’ll help you with those courses.

Wallace:Yeah, but I also want to eat breakfast.

Jim: Forget it. You’re on your own.

Wallace:Come on. What are friends for?

Jim: To keep you in high spirits, not to buy breakfast.

Unit 2 Beauty can be bought.

Laura: Hi, Susan.

Susan: Eh, sorry, but who are you?

Laura: Come on! Don’t you recognize me? I’m Laura.

Susan: What a surprised, so it's you.

Laura: OK. I think liposuction is really necessary. It’s the right way for me to be attractive.

Susan: Honestly, I won’t go as far as that. With surgery, I might look glamorous, but it’s against nature.

Laura: Yeah, but I’m also concerned about the crow’s feet around my eyes. I think my face needs to be tightened up.

Susan: But, Laura, you wouldn’t do that, would you?

Laura: Darned right I would! I don’t expect my skin to be as smooth as a baby’s, but I really should look young.

Susan: Isn’t makeup enough?

Laura: Of course not, I really hope surgery can wipe out the tired look. Unit 3 Watch out when nature strikes back. Kate: Well, nowadays there seem to be many natural disasters.

Jack: For example, firestorms occur here and there, now and then. Kate: Firestorms are a pretty interesting phenomenon. They generate so much heat that they create their own weather. Nothing you can do about it.

Jack: Once a fire develops into a firestorm, you simply can’t put an end it. Some people think we shouldn’t try.

Kate: You mean, just let the forests burn? We simply can’t stand by watching homes in flames.

Jack: Some experts argue that it’s natural to have forest fires and that we shouldn’t try to interfere, except, of course, to save homes and lives. Kate: It seems wrong to permit fires to devour trees. What a waste that would be!

Jack: But that’s nature’s way of cleaning up the debris that collects on the forest floor and creating new kinds of growth.

Kate: Perhaps you’re right, but it still seems wrong to just let fires burn. Jack: After all, there have been verdant forests for millions of years without man’s help fighting the fires.

Kate: I admit there’s something in what you said, but I still think it’s wrong to not put out forest fires.

Unit 4 Is work just another four-letter word? Bob: Bob Smith here.

Helen: Hi, Bob, it’s Helen. I’m calling to make an appointment with you. Bob: Hi,Helen. Glad to hear from you again. What’s on your mind? Helen: We’ve produced a new battery that is inexpensive, but powerful. It can last a long time.

Bob: We’ve already got a goof selection. What’s so special about your new product?

Helen: Well, could you arrange for me to meet your boss Linda? Then I’ll go into details.

Bob: OK, when can you come?

Helen: I was hoping to get together with Linda this week, if possible. I want to get going on this right away.

Bob: Let me check her timetable…Yes, she’s completely free Thursday. Helen: OK. I’m sure it’ll be a rewarding meeting. Thank you. Good-bye. [Later]

Bob: Hello. Is Helen there, please?

Helen: Hello. Helen speaking.

Bob: Hi, Helen, this is Bob. Something unexpected has come up. I’m afraid we have to postpone the meeting with you on Thursday. Helen: That’s disappointing. When can we meet?

Bob: Linda has to put the meeting off until sometime on Friday. Will that suit you?

Helen: I’m afraid I can’t go on Friday. I’ll be flying to another city on
