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Uint One

1)here come s……来了_____________________

2)come from 从……来_____________________

3)last week 上周_____________________

4)last month 上一个月_____________________

5)come on 来吧_____________________

6)last Saturday 上个周六_____________________

7)visit friend s探望朋友_____________________

8)plant a tree / tree s种树_____________________

9)walk ed a long way 走了一段长长的路_________________

10)paint ed a picture画了一幅画_____________________

11)cook some food 煮一些食物_____________________

12)listen to music 听音乐_____________________

13)summer holiday 暑假_____________________

14)in hospital 在医院_____________________

15)on vacation 在假期_____________________

16)had a bad summer 度过了一个糟糕的夏天___________

17)play badminton 打羽毛球_____________________

18)on the top 在顶部_____________________

19)in the shop 在商店_____________________

20)go for a walk 去散步_____________________

21)go for a jog 去慢跑_____________________

22)come in 进来_____________________

23)in Chin a在中国_____________________

24)this morning 今天早上_____________________

25)many place s许多地方_____________________

26)last night 昨晚_____________________

27)play basketball 打篮球_____________________

28)at home 在家_____________________

29)every day 每天_____________________

30)have a good time 过得愉快_____________________

Uint Two

1) a beautiful desert 一个漂亮的沙漠____________________

2) Let’s rest. 让我们休息_____________________

3) feel sick 觉得不舒服_____________________

4) drink something 喝一些东西_____________________

5) a bo ttle of water 一瓶水_____________________

6) read comic book s看漫画书_____________________

7) go to the beach 去沙滩_____________________

8) go to the park 去公园_____________________

9) this afternoon 今天下午_____________________

10) go to the swimming pool 去游泳池游泳_____________________

11) go on a trip 去旅行_____________________

12) go to S pain 去西班牙_____________________

13) sing a song /song s唱一首歌_____________________

14) play in the rain 在雨中玩_____________________

15) dance around 转着圈跳舞_____________________

16) go to F rance 去法国_____________________

17) read a book 读一本书_____________________

18) ride a bike 骑自行车_____________________

19) learn to dance 学习跳舞_____________________

20) eat pizza 吃馅饼_____________________

21) write to a friend 写信给朋友_____________________

22) go home 回家_____________________

23) a busy day 忙碌的一天_____________________

24) wash (my) face 洗脸_____________________

25) eat breakfast 吃早餐_____________________

26) go to work 去上班_____________________

27) go to school 去学校_____________________

28) on the bus 在公共汽车上____________________

29) in English class 在英语课上_____________________

30) practice the piano 练钢琴_____________________

31) in music class 在音乐课上_____________________

32) eat some cookies 吃一些曲奇饼_______________

33) drink some milk 喝一些牛奶___________________

34) make a mess 制造混乱_____________________

35) clean the table 清洁桌子_____________________

37) wash/do the dish es洗碗_____________________

38) take a rest 休息_____________________

39) on Saturday afternoon 在周六下午__________________

40) last Sunday afternoon 上周日下午____________________

41) at school 在学校_____________________

42) in P.E. class 在体育课上_____________________

43) walk back home 走路回到家__________________

44) study English 学习英语___________________

45) get up 起床_____________________
