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牛津5B 期末测试题


I. Listen and choose (选出你所听到的内容,用A、B或C表示,将答案填在前面的括号内)( ) 1. A. branch B. bench C. beach

( ) 2. A. glass B.grass C. class

( ) 3. A. pound B. paint C. pound

( ) 4. A.difficult B.different C. dinasour

( ) 5. A.walk B. work C. were

( ) 6. A. 12:25 B.1:25 C. 12:35

( ) 7. A. plums B.police C.please

( ) 8. A.screwdriver B. school C. strawberries

( ) 9. A. my B. mine C.May

( ) 10. A.rice B. lights C.rise

II. Listen and choose (听录音,选择恰当的应答句)5%

( ) 1. A. Sweets. B.The sweet ones.

( ) 2. A. Can I have both soldiers? B.Can I have all the little soldiers?

( ) 3. A. They’re white. B.They are small and lovely.

( ) 4. A. There are some dark clouds in the sky. B.It’s cloudy.

( ) 5. A. She is fine now,thank you. B.I don’t know.But she was at home this morning. ( ) 6. A. It’s on June 1st. B.Today is Friday,June 25th.

( ) 7. A. Rice,meat and soup. B.I like meat and fish. I don’t want any vegetables. ( ) 8. A. It’s Saturday. B.It’s half past three.

( ) 9. A. Tom. B.It’s Tom’s.

( ) 10. A. I don’t like bones. B.I like fish, and all seafood.

III..listen and judge(听录音,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,不正确的写“F”)

( ) 1. Kitty is a new student of Star school.

( ) 2. Star school is a new school.

( ) 3. There are thirty-five classes in Star school

( ) 4. Fangfang,Dingding and Kitty are in the same class.

( ) 5. Fangfang,Dingding are Kitty’s good friends.

( ) 6. Fangfang,Dingding don’t like to talk.

( ) 7. The students have no time for sports at school.

( ) 8. The students have six lessons a day.

( ) 9. The students like their school life.

( ) 10’. This is a letter to Kitty.


I. Read and write(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号,要求格式正确)WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE IT’S SUNNY

III. Read and write(写出下面动词的过去式)

come put eat

chase is has

like plant build

cut go get

wash do fly

writing(动词原形) potato(复数)

make(现在分词) there(同音词)

five(序数词) the same(反义词)

sun(形容词) my(形容词性物主代词)

11:30 12:15

IV. Read and choose (选择题,用A、B或C表示,将答案填在前面的括号内)10% ( ) 1.-- _______is the clock? –It’s in front of the pictures

A. where

B. how


( ) 2. Which umbrella do you want, the red one_______ the green one?


B. but

C. or

( ) 3. --Do you want _______rulers? –No,the long one,please.

A. both

B. the

C. /

( ) 4. I’m thirsty. ________me a cup of tea!

A. Give, to

B. Give,/

C. Give ,for

( ) 5.-- Have you got_____ cherries? –Sorry,I haven’t got

A. any,any

B.some, any

C. any,some

( ) 6. –Is this parcel__________?—No,it’s not ,it’s .

A. yours,mine,hers

B. hers,yours,mine

C. hers,mine,yours

( ) 7. _______looking for mother.

A. they’re,they’re


C. they,their

( ) 8. I taste__________my tongue.

A. by

B. with

C. of
