形容词比较级 知识讲解及练习(含答案)

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He is running faster and faster. 他跑得越来越快。

The city is becoming more and more beautiful. 这个城市变得越来越美了。

4、the +比较级,the +比较级结构,表示“越……就越……”

The more I study it, the more I like it.

5、which/who +is +比较级,A or B?”表示“两个人或物中哪一个(谁)较……?”

Who is taller, Jim or Mike? 吉姆和迈克,谁个子较高?



1. near ____________ high___________

2. warm ___________ clever__________

3. white ___________ blue __________

4. nice ____________ gentle___________

5. safe ____________ wide____________

6. close ___________ long____________

7. heavy __________ sunny___________ 8. early ___________ dry ____________

9. busy ___________ happy ___________ 10. easy ___________ angry ___________

11. windy _________ little __________ 12. thin ___________ fat ______________

13. hot ___________ big ______________ 14. wet ___________ good____________

15. bad ___________ well __________ 16. badly _________ many____________

17. much _________ far _____________ 18. important ___________________

19. dangerous ___________________ 20. beautiful ____________________


1、The flowers are very _____________________. (beautiful)

2、The girls are sitting there ______________________ .(quiet)

3、They’re talking very _________________ . (loud)

4、We can get there _________________ . (easy)

5、They’re getting ready for the sports meeting __________________ . (busy)

6、The girl sings ____________________________ than the boy. (beautiful)

7、Jack plays football _________________ than Dick. (bad)

8、Jim works ___________________ than Tom. (hard)

9、The boy is not so ______ (interesting) as his brother.

10、Jack sings _____ (well), he sings ______(well) than Tom, but Mary sings______(well) in her class.


1、The white shirt is as ________ as the yellow one.

A. cheap

B. cheaper

C. cheapest

D. the cheapest

2、You know ________ about it than Tom does.

A. even little

B. even less

C. more little

D. more less

3、This garden is ________ that one.

A.ten times as long as

B. ten times longer as

C. ten times longer as

D. as long as ten times

4、The earth is getting ________ .

A.warm and warmer

B. warmer and warm

C. warmer and warmer

D. warm, and warm

5、Which one is ________ , football or basketball?

A. more popular

B. popular

C. popularer

D. much popular

6、This kind of drink is different ______.

A. and it is also better

B. and better than the other

C. but also than others

D. from the other, and better

7、She looks _____ than she really is.

A. the more younger

B. much younger

C. very younger

D. more younger

8、Our country is becoming ______.

A. more beautiful and more

B. more beautiful and beautiful

C. more and more beautiful

D. more beautiful and beautifuler

9、Of the two Australian students, Masha is ____ one. I think you can find her easily.

A. tallest

B. the taller

C. taller

D. the tallest

10、In our city, it’s ____ in July, but it is even ____ in August. (天津市)

A. hotter, hottest

B. hot, hot

C. hotter, hot

D. hot, hotter



He is _____ ______ ______ than I.


It is _____ ______ today______ it was yesterday.


This story is _____ _____ _____ as that one.


He is getting _____ ______ ______ every day.


He is becoming ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ English.


The ______ he eats, the _______ he is.
