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我的宿舍生活(My Dormitory Life)

compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory i am livi ng in now, the one i lived in for

three years in high school was heaven: three students shared one brand new suite with air con diti oners and a bathroom.

in three years time we cha nged it thoroughly:the color of the floor tur ned from bright pink

into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of in sects proliferat ing among piles of rotte n fruit.a nd our masterpiece was the bathroom, a n ever drying swamp which served as the habitat of various kinds of mold, and even rode nts, rats would occasi on ally take the trouble to pay us a visit, an d.., all three of us felt like sobb ing whe n we at last had to say good bye to our lovely filthy dormitory. maybe it is because that the dormitory had cha nged us as well as we'd cha nged it.

the first less on our dormitory taught us was to look after ourselves. fran kly speak ing, we were not good stude nts at all.

i still remember the un derwear that was soaked in soapy water for one and a half years before it was fin ally throw n away. almost each of the boys' dormitories had gradually developed its own unique “ fragra nee ” usually a mixture of rotte n fruit, un washed socks,

stunk towels and some junk food. we could tell one dormitory from ano ther by sniffing in stead of look ing. our tolera nee towards un tidi ness was amaz ing.

however, i n spite of all this, we really did make some progress. bit by bit, we started to wash

dirty clothes before they stunk, clea ned the garbage bin whe n it could hold no more trash, we even used brushes in a no t-sc-successful attempt to refurbish the floor. the point was that we were not obey ing any order, we did every bit of the clea ning for ourselves, because we wan ted to live in a better place. though nothing we did could be called an 第 1 2 3 页下一页
