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big(比较级)thinner(原形) fat(比较级)

funny(比较级)fine(比较级)heavy (比较级)

tall(最高级)meter(复数) tall(反义词)

I(名词性物主代词)foot(复数)_________ kilogram(缩写形式)centimeter(缩写形式)older(反义词)________ foot (复数)


( )1. A.tall B.funnier C.thin ( ) 2. A.kg B.m C.cm

( )3. A.foot B.shark C.seal ( )4. A.stronger B.longer C.big

( )5. A.father B.smaller C.thinner ( )6. A.pen B.man C.pencil

( )7. A.banana B.apple C.tomato ( ) 8. A.tall B.what C.where

( ) 9. A.tiger B.longer C.lion ( )10. A. Amy B.her C.your


( )1. ______ you taller than Mike? A. Is B. Am C. Are

( )2. Mu Lan _____ taller than Amy. A.am B.is C.are

( ) 3. How _____ is your mother? A.older B.big C.old

( ) 4. I’m taller than _______. A.your B.you C.yours

( )5. She is 170 _____ tall. A.cm B.m C.mm

( ) 6. The tiger is ______ than the cat. A.biger rge C.bigger

( )7. My legs are longer than _____. A.you B.yours C.your

( ) 8. The coat is 50 yuan cheaper _____ hers. A.then B.than C.that

( )9. He is older than _____. A.me B. I C.my

( )10. I’m taller and ______ than you. A.heavier B.heavyer C.heavy

( )11. _____ tail is longer. A. It B. It’s C. Its

( )12. ________? ----I’m 1.60 meters.

A. How heavy are you?

B. How old are you?

C. How tall are you?

( )13. _____ one do you like? A. Who B. Which C. What

( )15. ____. How can I get to the bus stop? A. Excuse me B. I’m sorry C. Thank you

( )16. How tall are you?--- I’m ______. A.161 cm tall B.35 kg C.12 years old

( )17. Zhang Peng is _____ than his sister. A.old B.longer C.shorter

( ) 18. What’s the weather like in Shanghai?---- __________. A. It’s sunny. B. It’s sun. C. It’s


( )19. How are you? ________ A. Thank you. B. I’m fine. C. Thanks

( ) 20. The monkey’s tail is 36 cm _______. A.long B.small C.big

( )21. I am 158 cm tall,but you are 155cm.So_____________.

A. I am taller than you .

B.I am shorter than you.

C.You are 3 cm taller than me.

( ) 22. How _______are your feet? I wear size 19. A.big B.long C.heavy

( )23. The boy is 45 kg.The girl is 40 kg.Which one is wrong(错误的)?

A.The boy is bigger than the girl.

B.B.The girl is stronger than the boy.

C. C.The boy is heavier than the girl

( )24. Chen Jie is three years older than Amy.Which one is right(正确的)?

A.Chen Jie is 10, and Amy is 10,too.

B. B.Chen Jie is 10, and Amy is 7.

C. C.Chen Jie is 7, And Amy is 10.

( ) 25. Tom is 160cm tall. His brother is 7cm taller than Tom. How tall is his brother?




( )26. Line up ______ shorter ______ taller. A.go, to e, to C.from, to

( )27. --- How ______ are you? --- I’m 46 kilograms.


B. heavy

C. small

( ) 28. John is ten years old. Bob is eleven . Bob is one year than John.

A. older

B. younger

C. thinner

( ) 29. -- is the tree? ---20m. A. How much B. How tall C. How heavy

( ) 30. My shoes are size 37. Your shoes are size 39. Your shoes are ______ than mine.

A. smaller

B. bigger

C. shorter


( )1.How heavy are you ? A. I'm 47kg.

( )2.How old are you ? B. I wear size 17.

( )3.How big are your feet? C. I'm 165 cm.

( )4.How long are your legs? D. My legs are 76cm.

( )5.How tall are you? E. I'm 13 years old.

( )6. Which dog is stronger? A. No, she isn’t.

( )7. How heavy are you? B. I’m 50 kg.

( )8. Do you like the brown one? C. I wear size 18.
