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Get over 克服

In due course 在适当的时候

Detailed explanation 详细说明Culture shock 文化冲击

Take off 起飞脱下离开

Gain a deep insight into...... 深刻理解During the same period 在同一时期Reach saturation 达到饱和Population size 人口规模

An increasing number of 越来越多

At a fast rate 以飞快的速度

in camparison 相比之下

Be expected to 预期会

Extra demand 额外的需求

Carry on 继续进行

Set in 开始来临

Linger on 逗留继续存在

Log in 登录登入

Push forward 推进

Take up 占用

In tough time 在困难时期

For the rest of

A firms board 公司董事会

Make one,s wealth and repuations 成就功名

A correlation between...and...与...之间的联系

A blow to reputations 有损名誉Follow the example 效仿

Whatever happened to sth 某物究竟发生了什么?

Flee to the internet 转向互联网Launch a round of talks 发起一轮讨论Charitable corporation 慈善公司

Out of date 过时的

Shrug off 耸肩,摆脱

Have the nerve 有胆量做某事

Stay afloat 维持经营

In reliance on sth 对...依赖

Not surprisingly 毫无疑问Sweep through 横扫

Film reviewers 电影评论员

cut off 砍掉

By the millions 数以百万计

Line up 排队

Marriage bureaus 婚姻登记处

When it comes to sth 谈到某事Common sense 常识

Live with 忍受,容忍

In combination with 与...结合Economic condition 经济状况Efficient living 高效生活

Associate with 与...有关

Take up posts 就职

Architecture school 建筑学校

Exert enormous influence on 对...施加巨大影响

Derive from 起源于

Signature phrase 口头禅

Take granted for 认为...理所当然Mask the fact 掩盖事实

Rather than 而不是

Gold coast 黄金海岸

Equivalent of 对应物

Abstract art 抽象艺术

Make it 及时到达,成功

Talk of 谈话,议论

Converge on a place 汇集于一处

As well as 与...一样,除了,也Chroic problems 长期性棘手问题

An acute crisis 一场严重危机Thanks to 由于

Quick fix 权宜之计

Be harmonization with sth 与...协调一致

Save ...from...使...免遭

Disagree about 在...方面意见统一Back by 依靠

A small majority 微弱多数

Fiscial policy 财政政策

At its best 处在最佳状态

Blunt an edge 使边角变钝

Headed by 由...带领的

Intervene in 介入,干预
