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(一)This is X iao Hua’s bedroom. 1. It is not very big, and it’s 2. very bright. Xiao Hua clean 3. her room every day.

There are any beautiful flowers 4. and a glass of water on table 5. you can find a big picture in 6. the wall . It is a picture for some 7. boys or girls. Over the picture , there’s 8.

a round clock, and its nice and 9. new, Xiao Hua like her room very much 10.

(二)It’s on Friday today. It’s fine . Jim 1. and her three friends are going to 2. see his uncle . There are lot of 3. apple trees on his farm. So he 4. is too busy to picks the apple on 5. them. So Jim went to help him 6. every year. The farm is no far 7. from here. The children are all 8. going there on bike . They say it’s good9. for their health. We are going to meet 10. at the gate of the school at seve n o’clock.


(一) The boy over there is our classmates .His 1. name’s is Li Lei. His uncle is our teacher. 2. He works very hardly. We all like him. He 3. likes us too. He didn’t at school yesterday. 4. His son is ill in bed. He had to 5. stay at the home. His son is our classmate. 6.

So we are going to see them after school. 7. We are going to buy some chocolates(巧克力) to 8. him. He must like it best. Oh! Listen! 9. That’s the bell. Let’s go to the classroom.10.

(二)Mrs Green is a good mother . In every morning 1. she gets very early. She dresses her 2.

daughter and then goes to work on bus. 3.

She works in a shoe’s factory. It’s not fro m 4.

home . But sometime Mr Green takes the 5.

children to school in her car and then he 6.

goes to work. In the afternoon Mrs Green comes 7.

to home at five o’clock . Then she cooks supper. She8.

always does all kind of housework . she goes 9.

to bed very late. What’s a good mother she is!10.


(一)It’s on Sunday tomorrow . We are going to watch a 1.

football match. It’s between a Japanese team with 2.

a Chinese team. I’m sure our Chinese team 3.

win the matches, because our team has all the 4.

strongest players.

The football match is going to be at the four 5.

o’clock in the morning . We are going to there 6.

by bike. Our teacher, Mr Li and Mr wang 7.

are going to watch the football match with us. 8.

I think they must like the football games as many 9.

as we do. We can go back at six in the evening. 10.

(二)Aunt Liu is twenty-three. She lives on the eighteen floor of this 1. building. She lives with her father, her mother and her brother. 2.

Every morning she gets down by the lift and leaves her home 3.

at eight and gets back to home at about half past five. 4.

She worked very hard in a bookshop . The bookshop is about 5. hundreds meters from the building , so she goes there on foot. 6.

She stands at the counter (柜台)and there have many books 7.

on the bookshelf .She knows many interested stories and she 8.

has many books in her room, too. She often speaks us 9.

stories, so Children in this building are all like her. 10.


(一)Li Lin and Hua Tong are good friends. Now Li Lin is in Hua 1. Tong’s home. Look at the clock on the wall. What’s time? It’s nine 2. o’clock. What are they doing ? Are they doing their homework? No, 3. they aren’t. They are watching TV, because there is a world’s basketball


match on TV.
