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The danger threatening the world (=which is threatening the area ) is too many people with too little food.

They looked on at the city being attacked by the enemy (=which was being attacked by the enemy).

The man being followed by guards (=who are being followed by guards) is a party leader.


A man respecting others (=who respects others ) will be respected.

Can you teach a boy refusing to be taught (=who refuses to be taught)?

It is difficult to save a man enchanted by the beauty of a woman.

Books called the comics (=that are called the comics ) are sometimes harmful to children.

Any books well read (=that are well read ) are good books and any men well treated are good men.




The trembling criminal hung his head.

Do you see the floating bridge there?

She is a doting mother.

The existing situation will last some years.

In the field are nodding trees, murmuring rivulets, smiling flowers, singing birds, swimming ducks and playing children.

He is an uncompromising diplomat.

It proves futile in spite of all untiring efforts.

This upright man always takes an unswerving course.

It is an unavailing plot.

There is an undying friendship between them.




It is a charming story=It is a story that charms us (me,you or anyone).

We have an encouraging prospect. =We have a prospect that encourages us.

This exciting experience made him sleepless. =This experience, which excited him, made him sleepless.

It is an interesting (or surprising, amazing, moving, entertaining, affecting ) story.

He has a puzzling problem to solve.

In the forest there happened a shocking (or frightening ) case of murder. Her fascinating eyes and her tempting mouth put you in a reverie.

It is a misleading statement, a deceiving promise.

An unconvincing rumor spread over the city.



It is an arresting sight (=a sight that arrests somebody's attention), an imploring look (=a look that implores somebody's help), a revealing story (= a story that reveals things hidden or kept secret), a deserving cause (=a cause that deserves sympathy or help).

He is a grasping attorney (an attorney who are eager to grasp money).
