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英语名词用法归纳 2015-12

一. 名词的分类:名词分为专有名词和普通名词。

专有名词-----个人,地方,机构等专有名称. China, Shanghai, Li lei.

普通名词---- 个体名词: 某类人或东西中的个体.如boy, dog, country.

集体名词: 若干个体组成的集合体.如family, team, police, class.

物质名词: 无法分为个体的实物。如cotton,tea, air, water, flour.

抽象名词: 动作, 状态, 品质, 感情等抽象概念. 如health, happiness.



二. 名词的数:可数名词都有单数和复数之分。


1) 一般情况加s 。如:books mouths houses girls.

2) 以s , sh , ch , x 结尾的加es 。如:classes boxes matches (但: stomachs).

3) 辅音字母+ y结尾的变y为ies 。如:cities countries parties factories.

4) 以o 结尾的词多数+es。如:heroes Negroes tomatoes potatoes zeroes/zeros.

以o 结尾并且词尾有两个元音字母+s. 如:radios, zoos, bamboos ,pianos ,kilos photos.

5) 以f,fe 结尾的多数+es。如:leaves lives wives knives halves wolves.

但是:也有一些+ s。如:roofs proofs, gulfs, beliefs, handkerchiefs/handkerchieves.

3. 不规则的可数名词的变化规则:

1) man—men, woman—women, tooth—teeth, foot—feet, child—children, mouse—mice,

2) 单复数相同: sheep, fish, deer, means, Chinese, Japanese, works,

fish如表示不同种类的鱼时复数是fishes; There are many kinds of fishes in that lake.

3) 以man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化.

man servant—men servants. (boy/girl students) woman doctor—women doctors.

4.复合名词的复数形式: son-in-law---sons-in-law , looker-on—lookers-on, 主体名词变化

film-goer—film-goers, grown-up—grown-ups 没有主体名词,在词尾加复数

5.字母,阿拉伯数字的复数形式一般加’s 或s : There are two l’s in the word “ all ”.Your 7’s and 9’s look alike.

It happened in the 1960’s /1960s.I will not accept your if’s and but’s. 6. 物质名词一般没有复数,有时用复数形式表示不同种类,wheats, fruits, vegetables,有时表示比原文更广的词义,wood (木头)—woods(树林), water(水)—waters(水域), sand(沙子)—sands(沙滩), manner(方式)—manners(礼貌)

7. 抽象名词一般不可数;但是如果表示某一具体的情况,或各种各样的也有可数名词的用法。

He jumped with joy.------ My children are a great joy to me.

常用的抽象名词具体化的有: a surprise/ a pleasure / a success / a failure / a help /an honor…

8. 定冠词加姓氏的复数表示一家人。the Turners, the Smiths, the Wangs.

9. 集体名词people, police, cattle 总是作复数,( people 作民族,种族时有单复数两种形式)

10. 集体名词class, public, family, population, team, crew, committee 等单复数都有,但意义不同。

The class is big.---- The class are taking notes in English. (前者看作整体,后者强调每一个人。)

The population in China is larger.---- 80% of the population in China are peasants. (同上)

11. hair,fruit 通常作单数,表示总体。His hair is grey. a rich harvest of fruit


He had a few white hairs. 他有几根白发。

12. 以s 结尾的学科名词只作单数。mathematics , physics, politics, 等。(另外:news)

13. glasses,trousers,scissors,shoes,spectacles,等常用复数;但如果这些词前用a pair of …/ this pair of…/ that pair of…等修饰时谓语动词由pair 来决定。
