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Chinese tea Chinese tea culture, tea culture. As open seven things (leading a poor You yan jiangcu tea), one of tea in ancient China is very common. Chinese tea culture and tea culture in Europe and America or Japan, a great difference. Chinese tea culture has a long history, profound, not only contains the material and cultural level, also contains a deep spiritual level. Tea by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty in the history of Chinese tea culture and sounded the horn. Since then, the spirit of tea permeates the court and society, into the Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy, religion, medicine. For thousands of years China has not only accumulated a great deal about tea cultivation, production of material culture, but also accumulated rich spirit of the tea culture, which is unique to China's tea culture, a cultural study areas.
Tea garden
Tea ceremony
The ancient tea horse road
陆羽与茶经 Lu Yu & Tea Classics
The Tea Classics is the cornerstone of Chinese tea culture, by Lu Yu, who is known as the “Tea Sage”.
Oolong Tea(乌龙茶)
Birthplace: Anxi , Fujian Features: sweet , fruity, honey flavour, green fresh Tie Guan Yin(铁观音)
产于福建省泉州市安溪县,是中 国十大名茶之一,乌龙茶类的代 表。铁观音独具“观音韵”,清 香雅韵。
(3)黄山毛峰茶 Huangshan maofeng tea one of the top ten chinese tea;
the fresh leaves collected from the peak of huangshan.
(4)六安瓜片茶 Liuan guapian tea
Green tea; Anhui province; piece tea;
(5)卢山云雾茶 Lusan yunwu tea; (6)信阳毛尖茶 Xinyang maojian tea;
信阳毛尖Xinyang maojian
(7)铁观音茶 Tie guanyin tea;
(8)武夷岩茶 Wuyi rock tea; 铁观音Tie guanyin
武夷岩茶Wuyi rock tea
可以说,世界上其他国家直接或间接关于茶的事件,基本 上都是从中国传播出去的。中国是茶的故乡,茶已成为国 饮。 We can say, the events of tea in other countries i n the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
茶与茶文化 Chinese tea culture
中国味道 文化传承
A brief introduction of Chinese Tea Culture
中国是茶的国度 China is the homeland of tea
As is known to all, China is the birthplace of tea. After thousands of years’ developing, Chinese tea culture has formed a complete system, in which the history of tea, elements of tea culture, the teaism( Chadao), customs about tea and other aspects are included. Chinese tea culture is more than what it sounds like. It is a combination of tea art and spirit. People expess the spirit through the perfomance of tea art. It has profound cultural connotation ,which refers to some philosophical significances. 众所周知,中国茶叶的发源地。在几千年的发展,中国茶文化形成一个完整 体系:茶的历史,茶的文化元素,茶道、茶俗以及其他一些方面均包括在内, 中国茶文化远远不止表面上听起来的那样。这是一个茶艺和精神的结合体 , 人们通过茶艺表演表达相关的精神。它具有深刻的文化内涵,甚至哲学意义 。
绿茶(green tea)
红茶(black tea)
黑茶(dark tea)
白茶(white tea)
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
乌龙茶(青茶) (oolong tea)
再加工茶(reprocessed tea):药茶 (medicinal tea)、花茶(jasmine tea)
A brief introduction of Chinese Tea Culture
谈到中国的茶叶,可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐代与宋代兴盛起来的。 China is the first country that found tea plant.Referring to Chinese tea, it can be traced back to the ancient times, and it was flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty.
1.2 Lu Yu & Tea Classics
Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty is respecte d as the Sage of Tea(茶圣) for his con tribution to Chinese tea culture. He is best known for his book the Classic of Tea (茶经), which is the first monogra ph on cultivating, making and drinking tea in the world. 陆羽,唐朝人,因其对中国茶文化的贡献 被尊称为“茶圣”。《茶经》是他的经典 作这是世界上第一部专门关于种植、制作 和饮茶的著作。
谢谢观赏 THANKS!
Anxi 安溪 Tieguanyin
Its'name was originally the name of a kind of tea tree.It is said that tieguanyin has such a strong aroma that even after adding water to the teapot seven times, one can still enjoy the pleasant taste and fragrance.
尹子 国家级高级评茶师 国家级茶艺技师 国家劳动部茶艺师职业资格考评委
北京市青少年教育培训中心特聘讲师 品茗文苑、尹子存茶创设人
茶、品茶》等书著。中国茶道研究及推广者。爱茶人,禅茶会专业策划者。长年深入茶区、茶厂, 并活跃在国内外各类茶界盛会,在茶叶制作、茶叶评审方面经验丰富。在十余年的茶与茶文化教学 工作中,尹红涛老师将自身的专业教育背景、丰富的行业工作经验和博大精深的中国茶文化有机地 结合在一起,在北京市机关、企事业单位推广传播茶文化,并多次为外国友人(英、法、西、印尼、 新加坡等)讲解茶文化知识。并自主研发了公务员茶艺研修班、国际社区推广、朝阳区中小学茶文 化普及班、朝阳区社区茶文化普及班等课程。
Zisha teapot
Identification of tea
Categories of Tea
茶的分类 classification of tea
Chinese tea can be classified in different ways.In this section,we will introduce the basic classification system of Chinese tea to you,which is based on the degree of fermentation (发酵程度)of the tea. According to the system ,Chinese teas can be roughly classified into six species: 中国茶可根据不同方式来分类。基于发酵(发酵程度)的不同,中国茶大致可 以分为六种:
2. Why do we have tea?
In china , tea has a very long history, and have formed the Chinese tea culture. Meanwhile, is helpful to our body, then it is loved by many people.
3.Some famous tea in China
West Lake longjing tea
green tea;
one of the top ten chinese tea, more than 30 brands;
(2)洞庭碧螺春茶 Dongting biluochun tea green tea; one of the top ten chinese tea; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, named biluo.
茶的分类 classification of tea
• • • • • • 绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 乌龙茶 oolong tea 黑茶 dark tea 白茶 white tea 黄茶 yellow tea 各种制茶工艺虽有不同, 但万变不离其中,各种工 艺核心在于控制茶叶的叶 绿素含量,保证茶的口感 。(The degree of