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1. break A. spread B. bread C. great D. ahead

2. question A. invention B. revolution C. celebration D. suggestion

3. fear A. heart B. heard C. wear D. clear

4. suffer A. refuse B. solution C. current D. bury

5. climb A. brief B. rebuild C. brick D. excited 第二节词汇语法知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处地最佳选项。(共25分,每小题1分)

6. ________ number of students like to play ________ chess after class.

A.A; the B. A;/ C. The; the D. The; /

7. ______ late he comes back, his mother waits for him to dinner.

A.Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. Whoever

8. He is pretending _______ what has happened.

A.not knowing B. don’t know C. don’t knowing D. not to know 9. About ________ of China was occupied by Japan at that time.

A.one fifth B. fifth one C. one five D. one fifths

10. The team ______ two doctors and five nurses..

A.is consisted of B. consist of C. consists of D. is consisting of 11. You look so tired tonight. It is time you ________.

A.go to sleep B. went to sleep C. go to bed D. went to bed 12. I insisted that a policeman ______ immediately.

A.sent for B. is sent for C. be sent for D. was sent for

13. ----Here ______! Where is Xiao Liu?

----There ________.

A.comes the bus; is he es the bus; he is

C. the bus comes; is he

D. the bus comes; he is

14. My bike has broken down and I have it ________.

A.repaired B. to repair C. repair D. to be repaired 15. The reason _____ he was late for school was _____ he got up late. A.which; why B.that; why C.why; that D. how; that 16. The police are searching for a missing boy _______ Tom.

A.name B. named C. names D. Whose name

17. ----I went to Beijing for holiday last week.


A.so did I B.so was I C. so I did D. so I was

18. ______ more time, we could have done the work better.

A.Give B. Gave C. Giving D. Given

19. I don’t allow my son________.

A.to smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. smoke

20. It was in the school gate _____ I met my math teacher.

A.where B. at which C. which D. that

21. My brother enjoys ______ football after school.

A.play B. to play C. played D. playing

22. Let’s see a film, ______?

A.shall we B. will you C. shall you D. won’t you

23. ______ you send the letter to him, _______ it will be.

A.The early; the better B. The earlier; the better

C. Earlier; better

D. The earlier; better

24. He ______ watches TV after supper.

A.some time B. sometime C. some times D. sometimes 25. This pen ________ smoothly.

A.write B.writes C. is written D. wrote

26. He got up early_______ catch the first bus.

A.in order that B. in order to C. such that D. so that 27. She wishes she ______ cleverer than Tom.

A.am B. was C. were D. be

28. There are two ways ________ one can own a book.

A.in which B. that C. / D. all the above

29. If we _____ on the moon, how wonderful it would be.

A.will live B. had lived C. lived D. live

30. My room is _________ .
