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11.---What does your father do? ( )
A.He is watching TV. B.He is fine. C.He is a worker.
【解析】 【详解】

12.---How does she go to school? ( )
A.She goes to school by bus. B.She goes to school on bus.
important festival in China, so my parents cleaned and decorated (装饰)our house with me
before spring festival. We also bought lots of things in the supermarket.
【答案】1. ate good food;
2. went skiing; 3. saw elephants;
4. went fishing;
5. visited grandparents
5. Choose. 请选择合适的疑问词或短语填空。
1. ---
are you?
--- I’m 165 cm tall.
6. Fill in the blanks. 请根据上下文意思选择合适的单词填空。
Dear mom,
you? Every day I
fun with my cousins. On Monday we went
to a restaurant. On Tuesday we went to a park. We sang and
2. ---
monkey do you like?
--- The yellow one.
3. ---
are your feet?
--- I wear size 17.
4. ---
are your legs?
--- 76 cm .
5. ---
do you feel?
--- I feel sick. 【答案】1. How tall; 2. Which; 3. How big; 4. How long; 5. How 【解析】略
He watched monkeys yesterday. ( )
试卷第 7页,总 11页
He rowed a boat last Sunday. ( )
【答案】F F T F F 【解析】略
评卷人 得分
阅读理解。 The Spring Festival was on February 7th this year. Because Spring Festival is the most
评卷人 得分
7.下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他三个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题 前括号内。
( ) 1. A.take
( ) 2. A.me
( ) 3. A.eye
( ) 4. A.tea
( ) 5. A.warm
【答案】1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A
【解析】 【详解】

C.Yes, she does.
13. He A.don't like 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 略
watching TV. ( B.doesn't like
) C.don't like to
D.doesn't like to
14.---What's your
?( )
went home happily. We watched TV until midnight. At twelve o'clock, we cheered to
welcome the new year and wished each other good luck.
During Spring Festival I got lots of lucky money, so my favorite festival is Spring
河北小升初英语真题试卷 2 套(含答案和解析)1
评卷人 得分
1.Alphabet. 请按顺序背写 26 个大小写字母,注意书写标准、美观。
评卷人 得分
1. The UN wants to make peace(和平)in the
【解析】 【详解】

16. There isn't
milk in the cup. Would you like
A.some, any B.any, some C.any, any
【解析】 【详解】

juice? ( )
17. We usually stay
Saturday afternoon. ( )
试卷第 8页,总 11页
22. 略
23. 略 24. 略
25. 略 26. 略
27. Read and choose. 阅读理解,选择正确答案完成各小题。
Mike is going to visit Kunming this holiday. Kunming is known as “Spring City”. It’s usually sunny and warm. He’s going with his mom, dad and his sister Kathy. He is going to see folk dances and visit Stone Forest. Kunming is far from Beijing. So he’s going by plane with his family. They’re going this Sunday morning. They will have a good time.
A.at…in B.at…on C.in…at
【解析】 【详解】

18.Circle. 圈出每组中与众不同的单词。
【答案】CBCBA 【解析】略
评卷人 得分
试卷第 6页,总 11页
19.Number. 请按字典上的先后顺序为下列单词排序。
【答案】23145 【解析】略
20.Number. 请将下列句子重新排序,使之成为一篇通顺的对话。
评卷人 得分
21.Judge. 判断图片与句子表达的意思是“T”否“F”一致。
He went to Beijing by train. ( )
They went to the park on foot. ( )
He took pictures last summer. ( )
2. Amy
(去滑雪) last winter.
3. Yesterday I went to the zoo and
(看大象) with my family.
4. Tom
试卷第 2页,总 11页
(去钓鱼) last Sunday.
5. Wu Yifan
(看望祖父母) last
25.What did we do after the dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival? ( )
A.We watched TV at home. B.We Play games together. C.We went to the Flower Fairs. 26. What did I get during the Spring Festival? ( ) A.Luck money B.flowers C.some sweets
autumn Festival B.Christmas
C.Spring Festival 24
.What did we do before Spring Festival? (

A.We bought a new house. B.We cleaned our house.
C.We went to the Flower Fairs.
Festival. I hope every day is Spring Festival.
22.When was the Spring Festival this year? (
) A.
February 9th
B.February 7th C.January 7th 23.
What is the most important festival in China? ( ) A.Mid-

Leabharlann Baidu
8.He often has milk
the morning. ( )
A.by B.on C.at D.in
【解析】 【详解】

C.have C.red
C.goodbye C.weather C.party
9. My sister can A.dancing, dancer. 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 略
5. hours

1. Mr.Li has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have?
2. "It is a piece of cake”
( ) Excuse me. We are lost. ( ) Thanks for your help. ( ) How can we get to the Holiday Hotel, please? ( ) You can take the No 26 Bus. The hotel is just behind the bus stop. ( ) What are you looking for? 【答案】15342 【解析】 略
On the eve of the Spring Festival, we had a big dinner. After dinner, I put on my new
clothes, then my father, my mother and I went to the Flower Fairs. Wow! There were lots of
---I like listening to music.
A.name B.hobby C.job
试卷第 5页,总 11页

15. He
a big garden behind my house.
many flowers in it. ( )
A.has, There is B.have, There are C.has, There are
3.Which number comes next in the series?
12, 21, 36, 63, 45, (

【答案】1. B 2. 小菜一碟 3. 54 【解析】 【详解】 略
4. Look and write. 看图写短语,补全句子,每空一词。
1. Zhang Peng went to Xinjiang on summer holiday. He
well. She's a good B.dance, dancer
.( ) C.dance, dancing
10.---Are you
?( )
试卷第 4页,总 11页
---Yes, I am. A.policeman 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 略
B.a policeman
. On
Wednesday we
ping-pong. On Thursday, we
a mountain.
Tomorrow I’ll
back home!
试卷第 3页,总 11页
Miss you and dad. Love, John 【答案】are; had; danced; played; climbed; be 【解析】略
kinds of flowers in the Flower Fairs, they were lilies, tulips, peach flowers…, how colorful
and beautiful they were! So we took some photos here. We bought some flowers, then we
2. I'm
(口渴), I want something to drink.
3. I didn't
(带来) any drinks.
4. My mother gave me some
试卷第 1页,总 11页
5. How many 【答案】1. world 【解析】 【详解】
(小时)are there in a day. 2. thirsty 3. bring 4. gifts