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2015 —模知识点分类

1. 名词

1. We are in Junior Three. Every weeke nd we have _______ homework to do.

A) many B) quite a few C) huge amounts of D) a great nu mber of

2. Would you please give me some _____ on memorizi ng words quickly?

A) tip B) suggesti on C) idea D) advice

3. Here are _______ d iffere nt methods to help you fall asleep.

A) few B) little C) much D) several

4. Years later, Sheldo n, my cous in, realized the _____ o f being a teacher.

A) happ in ess B) happily C) happy D) happier

5. Quite ______ people were killed in the traffic accide nt last week.

A) little B) a little C) few D) a few

6. A fire had broke n out and caused much ____ to the roof.

A) death B) accide nt C) damage D) problem

7. Nowadays we can collect much ______ either from books or on the Intern et.

A) suggesti on B) idea C) in formati on D) method

8. ______ in formati on comes to the centre from all over the world all the time.

A) Huge amounts of B) Large nu mbers of C) Many D) A few

2. 代词

1. Michael Jorda n is my favourite basketball star and I like ____ very much.

A) he B) himself C) his D) him

2. Adam, may I use your phone? I think _______ is out of order.

A) I B) my C) me D) mi ne

3. Each shop has ______ o wn way to attract customers.

A) his B) her C) its D) my

4. The passengers on Air Asia Flight QZ8501 lost ___________ lives because of the extreme weather.

A) they B) their C) them D) theirs

5. The girl could n 'believe her eyes whe n she saw _________ in the mirror.

A) her B) herself C) hers D) she

6. The girl in red is Susa n. comes from Ca nada.

A) She B) Her C) Hers D) Herself

7. ---- Who do the books on the shelf bel ong to?

----They are ______ .

A. we

B. us

C. our

D. ours

8. Most people chose not only Jane 's pla n but also _____ after the discussi on.

A) I B) my C) me D) mi ne

9. Quite a few people like to take photos of ______________ and share them through WeChat

A) they B) theirs C) themselves D) them

10. We should depe nd on _______ more tha n our pare nts and teachers.

A) we B) us C) our D) ourselves

11. The twins look so similar that I always mistake the one for _____ .

A) the other B) the others C) ano ther D) other

12. Some people might choose to live in a village, but ______ enjoy the colorful

life of the city.

A) the other B) the others C) ano ther D) others

13. A friend of mine usually sells some vegetables and shares _______ with his


A) ano ther B) other C) the rest D) the other

14. Now I know your decisi on. Please ask _____ in your class about their ideas.

A) others B) the others C) other D) the other

15. After the earthquake, some decided to leave and ___ chose to stay to rebuild

their hometow n.

A) other B) the other C) others D) the others

16. The professor an swered the questi ons one after ____ after the lecture.

A. the other

B. ano ther

C. the others



17.Some artists work in pen cil and ink, and _______ work with clay or stone.

A) others B) other C) the others D) ano ther

18. There are no empty seats on this flight, but there are ____ available on the

n ext one.

A) few B) a few C) little D) a little

19. O. Henry wrote a lot of no vels but I 'e only read _______ of them.

A) few B) a few C) little D) a little

20. Our class teacher was pleased to know that _____ stude nts in his class ate

junk food.

A) much B) many C) few D) little

21. The twin sisters ofte n feel the same way but __ of them have their own ideas

now and the n.

A) neither B) both C) either D) all

22. -When shall we meet, this Saturday or Sun day?

- _______ is OK. I 'm free these days.

A) Both B) Either C) All D) Neither

23. A: Which of the two T-shirts would you like, Joh nso n?

B: _____ ,I don 'like their styles.
