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Confucius as an Educator

In the year 551 B.C., Confucius, the famous thinker and educator of ancient China, was born in what is Qufu County, Shandong Province today. His family was very poor, but he worked hard at his studies even in early childhood. In his early twenties he became a petty official. At about 30, he earned/gained a high reputation for his profound knowledge, conscientious work and outstanding performance. Confucius visited many principalities in the hope of rendering service to the rulers, but none of them would accept his political views. Then, he changed his mind and decided to devote all his energies to education. When people learned about this, many of them sent their children to him to be educated. Confucius accepted them as his students, and thus he became the first individual to initiate a private school in the history of Chinese education.

A dedicated educator, Confucius accepted a total of three thousand students in his lifetime. Among them, seventy-two came out as outstanding scholars. Through

education, Confucius disseminated his political thought. Eventually, the philosophy of Confucius and his disciples evolved into a school of thought “Confucianism”, which was to exert a tremendous influence on the Chinese feudal society for thousands of years.

Confucius lived to the age of seventy-three. His disciples deeply grieved over his death. In order to remember his teachings forever, they recorded all his dialogues with them. Later on, the students of his disciples collected and edited what Confucius had said and done into a classic of the Confucian school entitled the Analects of Confucius.
