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1. 在be动词之后。如:

She is sometimes very busy. 她有时很忙。

he is often late for school . 他经常上学迟到。

2. 在第一个助动词或情态动词之后。如:

I will never forget this lesson.我将永远忘不了这一课。

3. 在实义动词之前:如果是表示动作的句子(谓语动词是

实意动词,如:go, take,eat ..),则放在这个动词的前面。例如:

We often go there. 我们常去那儿。

he always gets up at 6 in the morning


Sometimes she writes to me. =She writes to me sometimes. 她有时候给我写信。

She writes to me often. 她经常给我写信。


We have never been invited to one of their parties. 他们聚会,一次也没邀请过我们。

She must sometimes have wanted to run away. 她有时候一定想到过要逃走。


◆always 频率最高,表示动作重复、状态继续,表示“一直、总是”,其反义词为never。always等与not连用时,表示部分否定。如:

The rich are not always happy. 有钱的人并不总是快乐的。


Li Ping is always late for school. 李平上学总是迟到。

Li Ping is never late for school. 李平上学从不迟到。(全部否定)

Li Ping is not always late for school. 李平上学不总是迟到。(部分否定)


He is always thinking of others. 他总是想着别人。(赞叹)

She is always asking silly questions. 她总是问些愚蠢的问题。(厌烦)

The boy is always asking for money. 这个小男孩总是要钱。(厌烦)


We usually go to school at seven in the morning. 我们通常在早上七点上学。

My mother and I usually go shopping on Sundays. 我和妈妈通常在星期天去买东西。

◆Often意为“经常,时常”,表示反复性的动作或状态,中间有间断,不如usually那么频繁。其反义词是seldom。often 在句尾时常被very或quite修饰。如:

It often rains here in April. 这儿四月份常下雨。

he boys often eat noodles and the girls sometimes eat them. 男生经常吃面条,女生有时吃。

I often chat with my friends under the big tree. 我经常在这棵大树下和朋友聊天。

He writes to his friends quite often. 他常给他的朋友写信。


Sometimes we go to the cinema and at other times we go for a walk.


I sometimes watch TV in the evening. 我有时晚上看电视。

My father has lunch in the factory sometimes. 我父亲有时在工厂吃午饭。


He seldom eats breakfast. 他很少吃早餐。

The little girl seldom goes out. 这个小女孩很少外出。

I will never forget your kindness. 我永远忘不了你的好意。

The boys never eat chocolate and the girls seldom eat it. 男生从不吃巧克力,女生很少吃。

Btter late than never. [谚语] 迟到(迟做)总比不来(不做)好。


The boy is so young that he could hardly understand it. 这个孩子太小了,不可能懂得这件事。

◆对上述频度副词提问时,用how often。如:

I write to my brother sometimes.
