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例文:(摘自于23班郑君凤,陈治,邓敏,何琳等同学的作文), 请大家参考并修改自己的作文,把此次作文摘抄于笔记本上,用于积累,以免遇到同类型作文没有话说、不会表达。

An Earthquake

An earthquake struck Sichuan province on May 12th, 2008. We were having class / listenin g to the teacher when the earthquake occurred. I didn’t know what happened, so I felt terrified. The earthquake had a bad effect on our country. It was reported that many people were buried alive and many buildings were in ruins.

After the earthquake occurred,people in Sichuan were so brave and optimistic that they fought with the disaster with a strong will. Besides, they received warm helping hands from all over the world. The government took measures to help people who suffered from the disaster. The hospital organized rescue teams to help the injured. At the same time,

everyone donated money and blood. What’s more,the international rescue teams also made great contributions to the helping of people in Sichuan. Although the earthquake was violent, none of us gave up.

It was the first time that I had experienced an earthquake. It was terrifying. I hope that there will be experienced experts who will be able to forecast some terrifying natural disasters in the future.
