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1. make a telephone 打电话

I made a telephone to you yesterday afternoon. 我昨天下午给你打了一个电话。

2. make a face / faces 做鬼脸

The child made a face / faces at his father. 那孩子冲他爸爸做鬼脸。

3. make a living 谋生;维持生活

I don't think making a living there is easier than here. 我认为在那里谋生并不比这里容易。

4. make a mistake / mistakes 弄错;犯错误

He made many mistakes in his spelling. 他在拼写方面犯了许多错误。

5. make a noise / noises 嘈杂;发出噪音

Don't make a noise / noises, the baby is sleeping. 别制造噪音,小孩在睡觉。

6. make a record 录音;录制唱片

We made a record for this song last year. 我们去年为这首歌录制了唱片。

7. make a sentence with 用......造句

Please make a sentence with"after", Tom. 汤姆,请你用after造一个句子。

8. make clear 说明;表明

Is there any other problem which I can make clear? 还有其它我能说明的问题吗?

9. make friends with 与某人交朋友

May I make friends with you? 我能同你交朋友吗?

10. make fun of 取笑

Y ou shouldn't make fun of others' difficulties. 你不应该对别人的困难幸灾乐祸。

11. make it 走完(一段路);能成功;做到

Y ou don't have to worry, he'll make it. 你不必担心,他会办成的。

12. make one's way 前进;行进

He made his way slowly up the hill. 他慢慢朝山上走去。

13. make oneself at home 随便;无拘束

Please sit down and make yourself at home. 请坐,不要客气。

14. make sure 查明;弄确实;务使;确信

Y ou'd better make sure of time. 你最好查明时间。
