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Monitor wafer type
1.Particle: H3PO4 bath use oxide film wafer, others use bare wafer. If Particle count more than 100, need reclaim. 2. Etch rate: a.DHF, BOE use oxide film wafer(4500A), when film thickness lower than 1000A, need reclaim b.H3PO4 use Nitride film wafer(1700A), only can use once , then need reclaim.
• Main Reactive Compound : H2S2O5 Caro’s acid • Typical Temp: 130 C • Chemical Ratio : H2SO4 : H2O2 = 4:1-6:1 • After dry ashing and IMP post clean, Photo resist remove and light organic remove for pre -clean
Dry technology
Types of Drying Methods: –Spin Dry –IPA Vapor Dry (Hot IPA) –Marangoni Dry (Room Temp IPA) –Hot N2 + IPA fume Dry Performance Indices: –Drying Speed –Particle level –Water mark –Metal impurity
Monitor Technique
• • • • • Particle Count Laser Surface Scanner Particle in bath Liquid Particle Counter Metal Contamination TXRF (ICPMS) Etch rate/uniformity Ellipsometer (Organic contamination XPS TOFSIMS) • Micro roughness AFM
DIW bath/tank
Chuck Wash/Rinse: For chuck/robot clean chemical residue Over Flow: Normally after HF/BHF/BOE (hot)Quick Dump Rinse: clean chemical residue on wafer Final Rinse: Added Resist sensor(水阻值计), make sure residue remove completely
Etch Rate Data
Etchant SC-1 (1:2:10) SC-1 (1:2:10) SC-1 (1:2:10) SC-1 (1:2:10) 0.49%HF 2.5%HF H3PO4 FILM Thermal Oxide Polysilicon Nitride Thermal Oxide Thermal Oxide Thermal Oxide Thermal Oxide Temp Etch Rate (A/min) 80 C 3.5 80 C 5.5 80 C 1.0 23 C 1.1 23 C 29 23 C 175 157 C 48
Typical Wet Clean Bath
Measurement tank
Process bath
Heat Exchanger
The contamination and Its influence
2. 3. 4. 5.
Particle Metal contamination Organic contamination Native oxide Micro Roughnesss
Chemical application
SC1(MS) light organic & particle remove DHF Remove chemical oxide or native OX SC2 Removal of metals impurities BOE: Remove oxide with PR HF/HNO3 Remove poly film. SPM(H2SO4:H2O2) Photo resist and metals ions H3PO4 Nitride remove 49%HF remove nitride and thick oxide
Si Si 4 4e Si 4 2 H 2 O SiO2 4 H H 2 O 2 2 H 2e 2 H 2 O Overall : Si 2 H 2 O 2 SiO2 2 H 2 O NH 3 .H 2 O NH 4 OH SiO2 OH
Wet bench bath configuration
Pre Furnace Clean
Lot Flow SC1: Standard Clean 1 SC2: Standard Clean 2 HF: Hydrofluoric Acid DI: De Ionized Water
Relationship of Zeta Potentials and pH Value
MO 2 H M 2 H 2O M 2O 2 H 2 M H 2O nH M 2M
(n / 2) H 2
• • • •
Typical ratio: Hcl: H2O2:DI = 1:1:5 – 1:1:50 Temp : Typical 80c Purpose: Remove metallic impurities from wafers Mechanism : Low PH improves solubility of metallic impurities • Metallic chlorides formed (Metals like Fe,Ca can be removed) • H2O2 forms chemical oxide (Affect Oxide quality)
Wet bench type
Batch type: Conventional type Cassette type Cassette less type Single bath type Single wafer type: Scrubber SEZ
(X光电子能谱仪) (原子力显微镜)
Monitor frequency
For wet bench , we normally monitor Particle, Etch rate(DHF,H3PO4) and TXRF items. 1. Particle 1wafer/once/ day spec≦30pcs (≧0.16μm) 2. Etch rate 1wafer/once/day 3. TXRF(Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence) 1wafer/once/week use the same wafer as particle test wafer, after particle test
pattern defect Junction leak gate oxide leak gate oxide leak gate oxide leak
Key word
SC: standard clean, RCA: A company name, DIW: de ionized water SC-1 (RCA1/APM: NH4OH: H2O2: DIW), SC-2 (RCA2/HPM: HCl: H2O2: DIW), CARO (SPM/Piranha: H2SO4: H2O2) H3PO4(H3PO4: DIW) BOE (Buffer oxide etch HF: NH4F) with surfactant DHF (Dilute HF) Dry System (Spin Dry/IPA Vapor Dry/Marangoni Dry)
(机制) (低的PH值可以提高金属杂质的溶解度) (形成金属氯化物)
• Ratio: 100:1- 10:1 • Temp: Typical 23 – 25 C • Purpose: Silicon dioxide removal Nitride removal (Rare) 38%HF • SiO2+6HF SiF6 + 2H2O + H2 • Hydrophobic surface produced (Particle sensitive)
process recipe sample
Process PPID: F040A60H30 Detail recipe:
SPM(0)+HQDR(0)+0.5HF(40)+OF(480)+AP M(600)+HCQDR(300)+HPM(300)+QDR(300 )+FR(300)+M/D
General 名词解释
MSDS: Material safety data sheet Throughput: WPH(wafer per hour) Uniformity : 均匀性 Etching rate: 蚀刻率(delta thickness/sec) Chemical life time: 化学液活期
Si3N4+H2O 3SiO2+4NH3 H3PO4为催化剂,H2O为主要反应物 Typical Chemical used : Hot H3PO4 acid Temperature: 150 C to 165 C Major use: Stripping of nitride mask Etch characteristic: Isotropic
Heater exchanger: 冷热交换器
泵,提供循环动力 Filter:
Loader/unloader: 入货/出货装置 BG: back grinding 晶圆背面研磨
PR: photo resist
Wet bench configuration


Typical Ratio : NH4OH : H2O2 : DI = 1:1:5-1:2:50 Temp : 40 – 80 C Mechanism: Solution oxidize surface organics and dissolves soluble complexes formed. PH is high Low stability of metal impurities NH4OH Dissolves SiO2 and etches Si H2O2 Oxidizer, forms layer of chemical oxide Deposition of some species of metals on oxide (e.g. Fe, Ca)
Chemical life count (batch): 化学液批数活期 Replenish(spiking)time: 补充时间 Circulation rate: 循环速率 Measuring tank: 测量槽 Mega sonic cleaning: 超声波清洗 Inline heater: 在线加热器