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话题 1 寓意类

Cloze 1

Once upon a time, there was a king. He felt upset because his people didn’t obey him. At first, he didn’t 1 what to do. But one day he ordered an old wizard (男巫)—the wisest man in the kingdom—to 2 a magic potion(饮剂) which would get people to obey him. The wizard made a lot of potions. However, 3 of them worked.

One day, a young man traveled to the kingdom and 4 about it. He went to meet the king, saying that he knew how to 5 the problem. He gave the king two small pieces of paper and said, “Use the first 6 saying what you want your people to do, and use the second when they have done it. If you do like this, your people will obey you from the 7 .”“Is that true?”, the king wondered but at last he decided to have a test. After a while, he saw a servant carrying a 8 in his arms. The king said, “Please, Alan, come here and let me see it.” Alan was so 9 . He got close to the king. After 10 the turkey, the king said, “Thank you, Alan. You may go now.” Alan left, smiling. It 11 ! The king was very 12 . He gave the man much money.

Before the man left the kingdom, the old wizard asked him what his 13 was. The man answered, “I got my magic from school when I was a little child. My teacher told me that 14 good manners one could get anything. Your king 15 needs good manners to get what he wants.”

1. A. know B. ask C. realize D. invite

2. A. lose B. make C. buy D. drink

3. A. all B. both C. none D. neither

4. A. heard B. cared C. talked D. thought

5. A. create B. discover C. cause D. solve

6. A. after B. before C. when D. as

7. A. face B. heart C. head D. manner

8. A. cat B. dog C. turkey D. duck

9. A. excited B. interested C. surprised D. scared

10. A. looking for B. looking after C. looking up D. looking at

11. A. solved B.avoided C. walked D. worked

12. A. sad B. happy C. nervous D. mad

13. A. strength B. power C. magic D. freedom

14. A. in B. on C. without D. with

15. A. just B. once C. never D. still


1. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:开始,他不________做些什么。know知道;ask要求;realize意识到;invite邀请。根据语境可知此处指国王不知道做些什么。故选A。

2. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:……________一种魔幻饮剂,让全国人都服从他。lose失去,丢失;make制作,制造;buy买;drink喝。结合上下文可知,国王想让下面的人服从他,因此想让男巫制作一种魔幻饮剂,故选B。

3. C【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意:然而,________起作用。all所有;both二者都;none没有一个;neither二者都不。联系上句“The wizard made a lot of potions.”可知巫师制作了很多饮剂;且“However”表示转折,故此处指虽有很多饮剂但是没有一种有用,故选C。

4. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,一个年轻人旅行到这个王国,________这件事。heard听到;cared关心;talked 谈论;thought思考,认为。“hear about”意为“听说”,用在这里符合题意,指他听说了这件事,故选A。

5. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他去见国王,说他知道怎样________这个问题。create创造;discover发现;cause 引起;solve解决。联系下文可知此处指这个年轻人说他能解决这个问题,故选D。

6. B【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意:在说你想要别人做某事________使用第一张(纸条)。after之后;before之前;when 当……的时候;as当……的时候。结合句意可知此处指在要求别人做某事之前,故选B。

7. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你这样做的话,你的臣民将会从________服从你。face脸;heart 内心;head头;manner礼仪。结合语境可知此处指从内心服从你,故选B。

8. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:过了一会儿,他看到一名仆人怀里抱着一只________。cat猫;dog狗;turkey火鸡;duck鸭子。根据下文“After the turkey, the king said...”可知,这名仆人怀里抱着火鸡,故选C。

9. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:国王说:“Alan,请你到这来,让我看下它。”艾伦是如此地________。excited激动的;interested感兴趣的;surprised惊讶的;scared害怕的。结合上下文可知国王在采取了年轻人的建议后说话不再是命令口吻,而是非常礼貌,这样的举动让Alan吃惊,故选C。

10. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在________火鸡之后,国王说“谢谢你,艾伦,你可以走了。” looking for寻找;looking after照顾;looking up 查阅;looking at看。从“After a while, he saw a servant carrying a turkey in his arms. The king said ‘Please, Alan, come here and let me see it.’”可知,国王想看一下火鸡,故选D。

11. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:艾伦微笑着离开了。它________。solved解决;avoided避免;walked散步;worked 工作,起作用。结合语境可知此处指年轻人的建议起作用了,故选D。
