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(每段对话读两遍, 12分)


6.What's the weather like today in the woman's opinion?

A. Hot.

B. Cool.

C. Co1d.

7. Why isn't Dale here?

A. He is ill.

B. He is preparing for the sports meet.

C. He had traffic accident.

8. Who is the girl ?

A. The boy's teacher.

B. The boy's classmate

C. The boy's sister.

9. What anima1 does the woman like best ?

A. Monkeys.

B. Tigers.

C. Pandas.

10. What time is it now?

A. Seven o'clock.

B. Eight o'clock.

C. Nine o'c1ock.

11. How does Mike learn Chinese?

A. By 1istening to the tape.

B. By listening to the radio.

C. By reading a lot.

第二节听下面三段长对话, 每段对话后各有三个问题,选择最佳选项,回答问题。

听第1段长对话, 回答第12至14小题。

12. Where did Mr. Smith lose his bag?

A. In the book store.

B. In the supermarket.

C. At the police office.

13. What color is Mr. Smith’s bag?

A. Red.

B. Brown.

C. Black.

14. What’s in the bag?

A. A wallet.

B. A book.

C. A mobile phone.


15.What kind of home does Li Wei live in?

A. A farmhouse

B.A townhouse.

C.An apartment building.

16.Which floor does Jane live on?

A.The second floor. B.The fourth floor. C.The eighth floor.

17.Who is looking for an apartment?

A.Alan. B. Jane’s parents. C.Li Wei’s parents.


18.Where will they study together this evening?

A.In the classroom.

B.In Linda’s house.

C.In Nick’s house.

19.Who will help Nick with his chemistry?



C.Nick’s teacher.

20.When will they go to the library?

A. At noon.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

C. 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍)

21. The farmer took a bag of ________ to a town one day.

A. fruit

B. rice

C. salt

22. The poor farmer lived _________.

A. in the town

B. in the city

C. near the great man’s home

23. When seeing the great man, the farmer was very ________.

A. happy

B. bored

C. disappointed

24. The great man got off his horse as soon as _________.

A. he came nearer

B. the bag fell off

C. he saw the poor farmer25. The farmer could thank the great man by _________.

A. helping others

B. lifting the bag

C. giving him money


Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,计15分)


31. Linda wants ____ orange, not ____ orange juice.

A. an; /

B. an; an

C. a; /

32. —____ bike is this?
