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()1. I’m new here. Could you tell me , please?

A. when does the first bus arrive

B. when the first bus arrives

C. when did the first bus arrive

D. when will the first bus arrive

()2. --- _______ day it is! --- Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine!

A. What a lovely

B. How windy

C. What a rainy

D. How wet

()3. --- Your MP3 is so nice. How much is it? --- It me ¥500.

A. bought

B. paid

C. spent

D. cost

()4. --- Are your parents doctors, too?

--- No, they are teachers. of them love teaching very much.

A. All

B. Both

C. None

D. Neither

()5. Sally is _______ 8-year-old girl. She goes to _____ school by ______ bike.

A. an; /; /

B. a; /; a

C. an; the; /

D. a; a; /

()6. Our school is the second __________ one in the city.

A. large

B. largest

C. the largest

D. larger

()7. The story happened ________ years ago.

A. two hundreds

B. hundreds of

C. two hundreds of

D. hundred of

()8. —Excuse me,Mr King.You'd better not smoke here.Look at the sign!

—Sorry,I it.

A.don't see B.didn't see C.hadn't seen D.won't see

()9. —Mr Scott _____ be in the office.The light is still on.

—No,he ______ be.I saw him drive out with his wife just now.

A.may;mustn't B.must;mustn't C.can;can't D.must;can't

()10. I don’t know if Tony______ . If he ____ here, I’ll tell you.

A. come, comes

B. comes, will come

C. will come , comes

D. came, comes ()11. —The passage is quite hard to understand,isn't it?

—Yes, it's very short and there are no new words in it.

A.so B.and C.though D.because

()12. We each _____ strong points. On the other hand, each of us _____weak points.

A have, have

B has, have

C has, has

D have, has

()13. He doesn`t like classical music and_______ I .

A so do

B neither do

C or do

D nor am

()14. He didn`t go to the party not ______the time but _____he was ill.

A because of, because

B because, because

C because, because of

D because of; because of

()15. This work is _____difficult for us. We need ______people.

A much too; another three

B too much; other three

C much too; more three

D too much; three more


When Roy was four years old, his father 1 in an accident, leaving his mother and him.

After Roy left high school, he wanted 2 to a good college in his hometown. But his mother

would pay 3 money for his college education.

“I’ll try to do something for you as soon as you pass the entrance exam,” said his mo Roy took the exam. As a result, he could enter the college 4 he didn’t get very high scores.

, she

His mother was very excited, but she knew quite a lot of money would be needed. The next day

sold her car and asked h er boss 5 another four hours’ work every day

. She even had two jobs,

one during the day and 6 at night. She had to walk to work and work twelve hours a day, seven

值) so much.

7 . She thought her son’s education was worth (

days a week, but she didn’t

A term passed. Roy took his first exam after entering the college. When the results w ere told , Roy

ran home to 8 his mother the news.

ou must be very 9 .”

“ Mum,” he said. “I’ve got my exam results. Y

“Yo u mean you’ve passed?” she asked happily.

ou can get your car back and stop 10 like that from now on.”

“ No, I haven’t. Y

()1. A. fell B. died C. was hurt D. was hit

()2. A. to go B. to come C. going D. coming

()3. A. some B. no C. much D. little

()4. A. and B. so C. although D. because

()5. A. to B. for C. with D. of

()6. A. the others B. others C. another D. the other

()7. A. complain B. refuse C. quarrel D. laugh

()8. A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell

()9. A. worried B. shy C. pleased D. free

()10. A. to work B. working C. work D. not working


( A )

Oranges were known in China about four thousand years ago.

There are two kinds of orange trees, the sweet and the sour ( 酸的) . At first, people in

Europe only had sour oranges. They started to grow them around the ninth century. From the

eleventh century, sour oranges were widely grown in southern Europe.

Until the fifteenth century, sweet oranges were brought to Europe by business from the East.

They were a kind of rare fruit at that time. Only very rich people could pay for them. They paid a

lot of money to get the orange trees. They planted these trees in their gardens.

In the colder countries, these expensive orange t rees would be killed during a cold winter, so

the rich people built greenhouses ( 温室) for them. The orange trees were planted in tubs ( 盆).

During the summer they were moved outside, but in winter, they were kept safe behind the g lass in

the greenhouses.

When Christopher Columbus went to America by sea, he carried many oranges with him.

Since then sweet oranges have grown very well in the New World in the warm weather.

Today the United States produces the most oranges in the world.

() 1. From the passage, we know that oranges were first found in _________.
