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Part One: J udge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (15×1’ = 15’)

1.Linguistics studies not any particular language, but languages in general.

2. A scientific study of language is based on what the linguist thinks.

nguage is culturally transmitted while animal call systems are genetically


nguage is a simple entity with multiple layers and facets.

5.The classification of English consonants involves both manner of articulation and

place of articulation.

6.Morphology and syntax study the same aspect of language.

7.Syntax consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with

other words to form grammatical sentences.

nguage is entirely arbitrary.

9.Major lexical categories are open categories.

10.Of the three branches of phonetics, acoustic phonetics is the longest established,

and until recently the most highly developed.

11.Meaning is central to the study of communication.

12.Sometimes bound morphemes can be used by themselves.

plete synonyms are rare in language.

14.The structure of words is not governed by rules.

15. The violations of the maxims make our language indirect.

Part two: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four

choices best completes the statement. (30×1’= 30’)

16.A scientific study of language is based on the _____ investigation of language


A. symbolic

B. systemic

C. systematic

D. system

17. A linguistic theory is constructed about what _____ is and how it works.

A. langue

B. linguist

C. language

D. learning

18. The study of language as a whole is often called _____ linguistics.

A. particular

B. general

C. ordinary

D. generative

19. Traditional grammar regards the _____ form of language as primary, not the

spoken form.

A. oral

B. written

C. writing

D. vocal

20. According to F. de Sausure, ______ refers to the abstract linguistic.

A. parole

B. performance

C. langue

D. language

21. Language is arbitrary in that there is no logical connection between meanings and


A. words

B. sounds

C. objects

D. ideas

22. Language is ______ in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of

new signals by its users.

A. instructive

B. constructive

C. intuitive

D. productive

23. Language is passed on from one generation to the next through _____, rather than

by instinct.

A. learning

B. teaching

C. only learning

D. both A and B

24. ______ phonetics looks at the sounds from the hearer’s point of view and studies

how the sounds are perceived by the hearer.

A. Articulatory

B. Auditory

C. Acoustic

D. Oral

25. The sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating are _____ sounds.

A. voiceless

B. voiced

C. vowel

D. consonantal

26. _____ [p] is a voiceless bilabial.

A. affricate

B. fricative

C. stop

D. liquid

27. A _____ is not a sound; it is a collection of distinctive phonetic features.

A. phoneme

B. phone

C. sound

D. speech

28. The word “boyish” contains two _____.

A. phonemes

B. morphs

C. morphemes

D. allomorphs

29. ______ morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to be

combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.

30. ______ modify the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change the part of

speech of the original word.

A. Prefixes

B. Suffixes

C. Roots

D. Affixes

31. A sentence is considered ______ when it conforms to the grammatical knowledge

in the mind of native speakers.

A. right

B. wrong

C. grammatical

D. ungrammatical

32. The syntactic rules of any language are ______ in number.

A. large

B. small

C. finite

D. infinite

33. In the study of meaning, the _____ are interested in understanding the relations

between linguistic expressions and what they refer to in the real world.

A. linguists

B. philosophers

C. psychologists

D. phoneticians

34. Sence and reference are two related _____ different aspects of meaning.

A. but

B. and

C. or

D. as well as

35. ______ means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world.

A. Sense

B. Reference

C. Meaning

D. Semantics
