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七. 动词部分

1. Mr Smith’s plane _______ . Let’s wait for him here .

A. hasn’t arrived B. didn’t arrive C. doesn’t arrive D. couldn’t arrive

2. Almost all the water _______ gone . Please save water !

A. are B. is C. have D. were

3. — Look ! There is a tall tree over there . Can you _______ , Dave ?

— Yes , let me have a try .

A. fall off it B. send up C. come down it D. climb up it

4. Mr Li is out . But he _______ here ten minutes ago .

A. was B. is C. will be D. would be

5. — Look ! The bus is coming .

— But it’s full of people . We can’t _______ it .

A. get off B. get down C. get on with D. get on

6. It’s six o’clock now . It’s time _______ .

A. get up B. got up C. to get up D. getting up

7. Jane _______ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai .

A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy

8. Everyone except Tom and John _______ there when the meeting began .

A. is B. was C. are D. were

9. The flowers start to _______ in spring .

A. come in B. come out C. come form D. come to

10. Excuse me . May I _______ you to pass me the sugar ?

A. keep B. make C. let D. trouble

11. — Who jumps the farthest in your school ?

— Henry _______ .

A. does B. jumps C. has D. is

12. You were on the farm yesterday , _______ you ?

A. didn’t B. don’t C. aren’t D. weren’t

13. The girl enjoys _______ to the radio very much .

A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listened

14. Mr King _______ in Beijing since 1980 . He teaches English in a middle school .

A. lives B. is living C. lived D. has lived

15. How long may I _______ the library book , please ?

A. lend B. keep C. borrow D. return

16. — Where is Tom ?

— He hasn’t come to school today . I think he _______ be ill .

A. has to B. should C. may D. need

17. Let’s _______ a talk about learning Chinese .

A. had B. having C. to have D. have

18. There _______ some milk in the glass .

A. is B. are C. have D. has

19. Li Ping studied hard , _______ he ?

A. was B. did C. wasn’t D. didn’t

20. The bag is light . Wang Ping can _______ it by herself .

A. find B. watch C. carry D. learn

21. I want to be a doctor when I _______ .

A. grow up B. talk about C. agree with D. get up

22. It’s very hot here . You’d better _______ your coat .

A. put on B. get on C. take off D. put in

23. Both Kate and I _______ ready for the picnic now .

A. is not B. is getting C. are getting D. am getting

24. He _______ the bus and found a seat next to the window .

A. gets on B. got on C. gets off D. got off

25. Please write to me as soon as you _______ Shanghai .

A. arrive B. reach C. got to D. come

26. I _______ a letter from him since he left .

A. didn’t receive B. haven’t got C. didn’t have D. h

aven’t heard

27. Remember to _______ the lights after school .

A. turn off B. turn down C. turn up D. turn on

28. — _______ I visit Lucy on Sunday , Mum ?

— Yes , you _______ .

A. Must ; can B. May ; may C. Need ; need D. May ; need

29. A talk on Chinese history _______ in the school hall next week .

A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give

30. Do you think _______ an English film tomorrow night ?

A. is there B. there is going to have

C. there is going to be D. will there be

31. He wasn’t feeling well . He had to _______ .

A. stops working B. stop working

C. stops to work D. stop to work

32. The twins _______ from Canada .

A. are B. is C. am D. be

33. — Excuse me . Where is the zoo ?

— Sorry , I don’t know . Ask that policeman . He _______ know .

A. shall B. may C. need D. would

34. Mother told me _______ some clothes last night .

A. wash B. to wash C. washed D. washing

35. Miss Gao isn’t here . She _______ to the station to meet Mr. Brown .

A. went B. has gone C. has been D. would go

36. I will tell you how to get to the place ; you’d better _______ it _______ .

A. try ; on B. get ; off C. take ; down D. pick ; up

37. You can _______ what is happening on the other side of the world by telephone .

A. see B. make C, hear D. learn

38. Germany and Great Britain are _______ countries , but China and India are _______ ones .

A. developing ; developed B. developed ; to develop

C. developed ; developing D. to develop ; developing

39. This key _______ for locking the door .

A. is used B. used C. use D. are used

40. — Must I finish my homework now ?

— No , you _______ . You _______ do it this evening .

A. mustn’t ; can B. needn’t ; may C. can’t ; must D. needn’t ; must

41. The doctor _______ the old man carefully and found something wrong with him .

A. looked at B. looked up C. looked over D. looked for

42. The greedy inn-keeper once made the poor heroine _______ twice a day .

A. dance B. dances C. danced D. to dance

43. The VIPs (Very Important Persons ) from 21 countries will _______ the APEC in Shanghai this autumn .

A. hold B. take part in C. join D. attend

44. The government will _______ some new colleges for more students to receive higher education .

A. set up B. set out C. put down D. put on

45. Computers _______ process difficult problems very , very quickly .

A. must B. need C. should D. can

46. — Excuse me . Will you please tell me the way to the railway station ?

— Oh , sorry ,but I don’t know . You _______ go and ask that policeman .

A. may B. must C. would D. should

47. — Do you still remember _______ me somewhere in Beijing ?

— Yes , of course . Two years ago .

A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw

48. If you have got something to ask your teacher in class , you’d better _______ .

A. stay on your feet B. stay away from school

C. stay on for a bit D. stay out so late

49. When the headmaster came into the hall , all the students _______ to welcome him .

A. sat down B. went out C. stood up D. turned back

50. — People now can know what is happening in the world quickly .

— You’re right . With the help of computers , news can _______ every corner of the would .

A. get B. arrive C. return D. reach
