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Susanna:Wow! What grand building s! Whyarethe roofs of most buildings yellow?ﻫ苏珊娜:哇哦!多么宏伟的建筑啊!为什么大多数建筑的房顶都是黄色的呢?

Jane:Because yellow wasasymbol of imperialpower in ancientChina.ﻫ简:因为黄色在中国古代象征着皇室权力。

Susanna:What arethoseanimals that are carved on the stones?

苏珊娜:那些刻在石头上的是什么动物?ﻫKangkang:They are dragons. It's said thatthey're powerful an imals which guardthe whole nation.Inancient China, emperors thought that theythemselves were real dragons and thesons ofHeaven.

康康:它们是龙。据说它们是守护整个国家的神兽。在古代中国,皇帝们都认为自己是真龙天子。ﻫJane:And thedragonha

s become asymbol of theChinese nation.ﻫ简:龙成了中华民族的一个象征。ﻫKangkang:That's correct!Italso playsan importantpart i nChinese festivals.

康康:没错!龙在中国节日中也扮演着重要的角色。ﻫSusanna:How interesting! Anything else aboutdragons?

苏珊娜:太有趣了!还有其他与龙有关的吗?ﻫKangkang:Yes, there are a lot ofoperas,music, paintings and sayings about dragons.ﻫ康康:有,有很多与龙有关的戏剧、音乐、画作和谚语。

TheGreat Wall


The Great Wallof Chinais one of the greatest wonders of the world.ﻫ中国长城是世界上最伟大的奇观之一。

The entirewall, whichhas manybranches, is about 8 800 kilometerslong.ﻫ长城有很多分支,总长度达8800千米。

It stretchesfrom Shanghaiguaninthe east to Jiayuguan inthe west.ﻫ它从东部的山海关绵延至西部的嘉峪关。ﻫTh econstruction was begunduringthe warringstates pe riod, which wasabout2500 yearsago.

长城的建造始于战国时期,大约是2500年以前。ﻫThe states ofQin, Wei,Zhao, Qi, Yan andZhongshanall built walls to protect their people.


The first emperor,Qin Shihuang, joinedallthese small erwalls together to makethe Great Wall.ﻫ第一位皇帝秦始皇将长城的所有小墙连接起来,建成长城。

These earlywallsthat weremadeof packed earth and woodwore awayin the rainand wind.

早期用泥土和木头做的墙经过风吹雨打后都有所磨损。ﻫLittleof these walls remain.Most of theGreatWallthat canbe seen today was built duringthe Ming dynasty.ﻫ很少一部分残留了下来。今天我们看到的长城多数都是建于明朝。

Itwasmade of stoneand brickthat would last longer.

它是由石头和砖块造成的,持续时间更久。ﻫTheGreat Wall was first built by ancient people toseparatethem from their enemies.ﻫ古代人建造长城是为了阻挡敌人。ﻫThoseMing dynasty rulers didnot expect that it would later be used tobrin

g touristsinto China.


Itissaid that hewho hasnever been to the GreatWall isnot a true man.ﻫ据说不到长城非好汉。ﻫThe Great Wall is a treasure of Chinese civilizationand itisregardedas a symbolof theChinesenation.


The home of tea, which has more than 4 000years of history,isChina.


People throughoutChina drink teadaily.ﻫ全中国的人们每天都喝茶。ﻫOfthe threemajor drinks--tea,coffee and cocoa,t ea is drunk bythe largest number of people in theworl d.

