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Please marry me! After marrying me, I am the second happiest person in the world, because you are the first happiest person in the world.


Holding you is a kind of happiness, kissing you is a kind of intoxication, loving you is a kind of unforgettable, so I will use my life to exchange this feeling!


Always treat unreal love coldly, always think that they do not care, just because of you, I can not help myself; just because of you, I fell into the trap of love!


If you have smelled the fragrance of flowers, don't ask me who my flowers are red, who has loved them, who knows how drunk they are, who knows how drunk they are. Flowers blossom and fade, and fate never stops, like the spring wind coming and going, and women are like flowers and dreams.


Love, originally wine, is drunk in a drink; missing, originally sea, easily drowned me; you, originally a flower, has already opened quietly in my heart.


Every time I have sex with you, I confess, in fact, my purpose is very simple, I just want you to care about me.


I think of you all the time; I want to hold you when I cry; I want to pounce on you when I am happy; I want to kiss you when I am excited. All in these four words: I need you!


I find that I can't leave you for a moment. I really want to

hold up a glass of red wine and get drunk for you! Pick up a bunch of flowers and bless you! Holding a sincere heart to say:

I really love you!


You and I meet is a kind of fate, we cherish each other this hard-won feelings, hope to accompany you on the road in the future for life.

10、当年,你捧着一盘廉价的草莓,单膝跪地说:嫁给我吧!于是我成了新娘。因为那草莓实在太便宜,所以我每天向你索一个吻When you were holding a plate of cheap strawberries, you knelt on one knee and said, "Marry me!" So I became the bride. Because strawberries are so cheap, I ask you for a kiss every day.


The greatest luck in my life is to know you, but the greatest misfortune is not to have you. Maybe you will meet someone you love, but you won't meet someone who loves you as much as I do.

