外研版高中英语必修3 Module1教学设计Introduction教案

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Step 1 As you know, Europe plays an important role in economy. How many countries are in Europe? 45. Can you tell us some developed countries? (Such as

United Kingdom, France, Greece, Portugal Italy, Spain, Russia,Holland.) Step 2 Go through words in activity. Read the words after the teacher.

1.Athens/'æθənz/ n. 雅典(希腊首都)

2. Greece/gri:s/ 希腊

3. Lisbon/ 'lizbən/ 里斯本(葡萄牙首都)

4. Portugal /'pɔ: tjugəl/n. 葡萄牙

5. Spanish / 'spæniʃ/ a. 西班牙的n. 西班牙语

6. English /'iŋgliʃ/ a. 英国的, 英国人的n. 英语

7. Greek / gri:k / a. 希腊(人)的n. 希腊人,希腊语

8. London / 'lʌndən/ 伦敦

9. Portuguese /pɔ:tju'gi:z/n.葡萄牙人,葡萄牙语a. 葡萄牙的,葡萄牙人


10. United Kingdom n. 英国, 联合王国

11. France /frɑ:ns/ n.法国

12. Italian/ i'tæljən / a. 意大利的n. 意大利人

13. Madrid / mə'drid / n. 马德里

14. Rome / rəum / n. 罗马

15. French / frentʃ / a. 法国(人)的,法语的n. 法语

16. Italy / 'itəli / n. 意大利

17. Paris / 'pæris / n. 巴黎

18. Spain / spein / n. 西班牙

Step 3 Then fill in the form.

Step 4 Check the meaning of the words and phrases of activity 2 .

1. across: [ə'krɔs] prep. 横过穿过,横过在……对面

1).The two lines cut across each other.


2). Can you swim across the river?


3). a bookstore across the river 河对岸的书店

adv. 横过, 从一边到另一边

The river is ten meters across.



across 用作介词或副词,而cross用作动词, 必须接地点名词作宾语.

They crossed the Changjiang River.

across from 在……正对面:

The store is just across from the post office.


辨析across, past, 与through

across 指从一边到另一边, 强调动作是在某一物体表面进行, “横过, 跨过”. 含义与on有关.

through 表示从一头到另一头, 指在某一物体的空间里进行的,”穿过,透过”. 含义与in 有关, 例:One day two young men were going through the forest.


He hurried past me without stopping to speak.

用across, through, 和over填空。

The Great Wall winds its way from west to east _______ the deserts ______ the mountain and _____ the valley until it reaches seas.

The key: across, over, through.

2. boot: / bu:t / n. 靴子,[英]汽车行李箱vt. 踢

a pair of boots一双长筒靴

3. continental / kɔnti'nentl / a. 大陆的

There is a continental climate in that place.


I ask for a continental holiday.


4. face /feis/ n. 脸, 面容v. 面对, 朝,

He faced the difficulty with courage.


The sun was shining in our faces.


The building faces north.= The building faces (to) the north.


His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.



hit sb in the face. “打某人的脸”

look sb in the face “直视某人”

stare sb in the face “直盯着某人的脸”

pull a long face “耷拉着脸, 愁眉苦脸”

in ( the) face of “面对”
