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1. What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?

2. Is it healthy to eat snacks?

3. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

4. What was the most popular snack when you were a child?

5. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like

to eat?




问题1. What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?

答案1:Um, quite a wide variety actually. Let me just

think o f few, um… I like eating nuts a lot… like cashew nuts, pistachios…peanuts of course, and also melon seeds, which you get in the shops a lot over here. And um, what else do I like eating? …. Oh yeah, dried beef, or beef jerky as I think it’s also called. That’s another snack I quite enjoy eating every now and then.




准备不足,怯场的原因。再来看其内容,Um, quite a wide variety actually. Let me just think of few, um… I like….地道短语和

交流连接词,直接作答。And um, what else do I like eating? …. Oh yeah反问句,符合英美人士说话的习惯。其中还用了宾语从句和非

限定性定语从句,既能够地道表达,又能够避免句式单一,词汇使用cashew nuts - 腰果;pistachios -开心果;melon seeds –瓜子;you get in the shops a lot over here - 这边的商店里有很多;beef jerky –牛肉干;every now and then - occasionally, 偶尔, 不时,都是充足高分标准的。所以,综合连贯性、词汇,语法几点内容能够



2. Is it healthy to eat snacks?

I think it really kind of depends what snack it is, because a lot snacks, like nuts for example, are actually pretty healthy for you. You know, they’ve got quite a lot of nutrition, but other kinds of snacks like crisps, or potato chips as some people call them, aren’t so good for you, because they’re basically processed food, so they’ve got a

lot of additives and preservatives. So those kinds of snacks you’ve got to eat in moderation, I suppose.

“吃小吃是健康的吗?” really kind of depends what snack

it is…一个从句巧妙回答。You know, but other,because, so等连接词十分地道且使得整个作答连贯,句式多样,而且读完答案你能够








3. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

Yeah, they don’t mind me ea ting snacks. They kind of let me do what I want really, you know, I’m old enough to decide for myself what I want to eat! So they don’t really have a say in the matter. They used to, when I was younger, but now, I can pretty much do as I please!

4. What was the most popular snack when you were a child?

Um, without a doubt, it was crisps, cos I remember when I was a child, all my friends absolutely loved eating them, as did I, and we always had a bag of crisps in our lunchbox to take to school! And they were popular among adults too, not just children. So yeah, I’d say crisps were definitely the number one snack when I was little.

5. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat?

Um…let me have a think….well, when I look at children now… what kinds of things do I see them eating?....um… Sweets definitely, which I guess is the same the world over! And uh, what else?.... Oh, biscuits! I almost forgot! I see a lot of children eating biscuits of all shapes and sizes. Oh and fruit of course, if that counts as a snack!
