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将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。01. M: Which bird is your favourite?

W: The swan is my favourite because it has white feathers and a long thin neck.

02. M: What's the matter with your brother?

W: He fell from a tall tree and was badly hurt.

03. W: Look at this famous painting by Picasso. Let me take a photo of it.

M: Please don't take photos, Amy. Look at the sign. It says "No Photos".

04. M: What are you going to do this weekend, Linda? Shall we take your cousin to visit the White


W: Fall has arrived. There are too many brown leaves in the yard. I want to clean them up.

05. W: Shall we go to the cinema this evening?

M: I'm afraid I can't. I'll go to meet my aunt at the airport.

06. W: I'm not as slim as my friends. I'm feeling so worried.

M: Why not do more exercise to keep fit?

07. M: I spend about two hours on my homework every day.

W: It seems that I've got more homework to do. It takes me at least three hours to finish my homework.

08. M: Would you please look after my parrot while I am on holiday?

W: Sure, I'd love to. And I can chat with it.

09. W: I want to buy three film tickets, one for me, another two for my 5-year-old son and

10-year-old daughter. What's the price?

M: The price for adults is 20 yuan, half the price for children between 6 and 12, and free for children under 6.

10. W: Have you seen David? He agreed to help me with my English just now.

M: Well, don't worry. His schoolbag is here in the desk.





M: I am sorry to hear your house caught fire three days ago.

W: It was terrible. We were sleeping when the lightning hit the house. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning.

M: How terrible! Did the firemen come to help?

W: Yes. I called 119 and they arrived in five minutes. They put out the fire quickly.

M: Was anybody hurt?

W: Luckily nobody was hurt. My family were safe but my computer and TV set were broken.


Yancheng is a city in the north of Jiangsu. It is famous for its wetlands. The biggest wetland there has an area of more than 450 square kilometres. There are a lot of insects and many kinds of

plants in the wetland. It's an ideal living place for many birds. So there are lots of birds living in the wetland. Every year, a lot of red-crowned cranes stay here for winter.


Good morning! And now it's five to nine, and time for the weather forecast. This is Mary at the London Weather Centre. Last month was unusually cold and dry. But all that will change in the next few days. From today, the wind will blow from the southwest. It will bring in warm air from the sea. And we'll have some rain. Rain will arrive from the southwest this evening. The whole country will have some showers in the next three days. Some of them will be heavy. Temperatures will rise to 12 degrees in the daytime. Night temperatures will drop to 4 degrees. It will feel cold over the hills. And the weather for next weekend: warm, wet and windy. And that's your weather forecast.


听力1—5 BBBCA 6—10 CCCAB 11—15 CA BAB 16—20 ACCBA

单选21—25 CBBAA 26—30 DABAB 31—35 BCDCD

完型36—40 DCBBD 41—45 CADCA 46—50 DBABB


词汇:helpless, stuck, easily, mine, themselves, comfortably, fishermen, addresses, introducing, Society

任务型:Names, father’s, yourself, elders, social, respectful或polite, 20或twenty, means / meant / shows / showed / represents / represented, women, meaning

首字母: traditions, while, cars, country(side), buildings / businesses, harvested, means, excited , cheering, lasts


96. Peter is more hard-working / works harder than any other student / the other students in his class.

97. What’s the cost of the trip to Zhalong Nature Reserve?

= How much does the trip to Zhalong Nature Reserve cost?

98. What a windy and bright / sunny day (it is)!.

99. If we do nothing, soon there will be none of the tigers left in the world.

100. It began to rain heavily while / when / as we were having dinner / supper.

When it began to rain heavily, we were having dinner / supper.
