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Conversation 1

W: The only thing I can do at night is to lie in bed and read, preferably while also eating a snack. I

never have time for exercising.

M: Don’t think it’s worth exercising only if you can run five miles or if you can bike for an hour.

Even going for a 10-minute walk is worthwhile.

Q: What advice does the man give to the woman?

Conversation 2

W: Hi, Mark, I’ve gained quite some weight recently. So, how can I eat healthily at social events?

M: Well, drink a full glass of water before you go. Focus mainly on fresh fruit and vegetables or

bread with whole grains. These will help you stay feeling full.

Q: What can we know about the woman?

Conversation 3

W: I heard that in South Africa smoking is banned in all enclosed public spaces. M: Yes, that’s right. But pubs and bars with separate, enclosed smoking rooms are excluded from

the ban, and most restaurants provide smoking sections, either indoor areas with good air

circulation or outdoor open areas.

Q: What can we learn about the smoking rules in South Africa?

Conversation 4

M: So, your research shows that even when children are not direct targets of violence in the home,

they can be harmed by witnessing its occurrence?

W: Yes, that’s right. For example, they can suffer immediate and permanent physical harm.

They can also experience short- and long-term emotional and behavioral problems. Q: What are the two speakers talking about?

Conversation 5

W: Skipping breakfast is common among people who are trying to lose weight, but it doesn’t

seem to be a successful strategy.

M: No, it isn’t. While any breakfast may be better than no breakfast, a healthy breakfast can be

something simple like a hard-boiled egg, a piece of 100 percent wholegrain toast along with a

cup of 100 percent fruit juice.

Q: What is recommended for a healthy breakfast?

Long conversation

M: I love working out!

W: Ugh! You’re sweating all over the floor …

M: I just ran five miles! A friend told me about this great park on Jefferson Street.

I love exploring

new parks!

W: I try running at the gym three days a week, but it’s so boring looking at the TV monitor or the

wall in front of me for an hour.

M: You should run outside! Being in nature, enjoying the beautiful flowers and the trees, I feel my

mind relax and the stress just falls away.

W: It is nice outside. My mom loves t’ai chi and a nearby t’ai chi group meets every morning at 6

. I’ve tried going, but it’s too early for me to get out of bed …

M: T’ai chi is really good. You need some kind of exercise. It’s unhealthy for you to sit in front of

your computer all day, every day!

W: Well, I recently spend my weekends away from my computer.

M: Oh really? And what have you done recently that didn’t involve a computer or TV screen?
