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46.D).He risked breaking local law to make a drink with coca leaves.

47.C).Many were shipped to Europe in the late 19th century for medicinal use.

48.A.Cocaine had become notorious.

49.D.I has remained virtually unchanged since its creation.

50.A.The evolution of Coca-Cola.


51.C.There was a clear divide between large and small cities.

52.B.They have seen a rise in property prices.

53.D.looked deserted in the evenings

54.C.Modernized housing and improved infrastructure.

55.D.Better job opportunities.


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46.D.How robots should be programmed.

47.D.They did not take moral issues into consideration.

48.B.They are programmed not to hurt human beings.

49.A.Abstract concepts are hart to program.

50.C.Robots can have trouble making decisions in complex scenarios.


51.D.The rapid technological progress in a very short period of time.

52.B.The popularization of smart homes.

53.C.Invest in more smart buildings and cities.

54 A.How to turn it to profitable use.

55 A.It is feasible with a connection to the internet. MGDAP,LBOIF

Data sharing: An open mind on open date


46. A) It is simply uninhabitable for most animals.

47. C) stay away from predators.

48. B) they can survive well in salty water 49. A) They can take refuges in the less salty waters.

50. D) The disruption of Lake Natron’s ecosystem. BCADC

51. B) Keep on working.

52. C) They would look upon it with contempt.

53. A) The busier one appears, the more respect one earns.

54. D) The role of knowledge in modern economy.

55.C) Find time to relax however busy we are. EMCHB,JGPID

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46.D. Open data sharing is conducive to scientific advancement.

47. A. Opposed.

48. C. The belief that research data is private intellectual property.

49. C. The changing attitude of journals and funders.

50. B. benefits sharers and users alike


A. It is attributable to the rising value of the U.S. dollar.

52.B. They cannot be attributed to weather only.

53.D. reduce the size of its staff

54.D. To be more competitive in sales of beauty products.

55.A. Sales dropped sharply in its physical stores. DLJEH,AGFOB

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46. B. They formulated a dress code with distinctive American features.

47.D. It was a completely new invention.

48.C. Ease of care.

49. A. A shift of emphasis from beauty to utility.

50.C. They advocated equity between men and wome DDBCA

51. D. They have changed the previous migration habits of certain birds.

52. D. They are more likely to be at risk of dying.
