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大写小写英文注音国际音标注音中文注音Ααalpha alfa 阿耳法

Ββbeta beta 贝塔

Γγgamma gamma 伽马

Γδdeta delta 德耳塔

Δεepsilon epsilon 艾普西隆

Εδzeta zeta 截塔

Ζεeta eta 艾塔

Θζtheta ζita西塔

Ηηiota iota 约塔

Θθkappa kappa 卡帕

ⅸιlambda lambda 兰姆达Μκmu miu 缪

Νλnu niu 纽

Ξμxi ksi 可塞

Ονomicron omikron 奥密可戎∏πpi pai 派

Ρξrho rou 柔

∑ζsigma sigma 西格马

Τηtau tau 套

Υυupsilon jupsilon 衣普西隆Φθphi fai 斐

Φχchi khai 喜

Χψpsi psai 普西

Ψωomega omiga 欧米伽


1 几何符号


2 代数符号









|a| ↌ↂ△ⅶⅺⅻↅↆ±ↈↇⅰⅬ


&; §







ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ⅴ ⅵ ⅶ ⅷ ⅸ ⅹ







+ plus 加号;正号

- minus 减号;负号

± plus or minus 正负号

× is multiplied by 乘号

÷ is divided by 除号

= is equal to 等于号

ↅ is not equal to 不等于号

ↆ is equivalent to 全等于号

ↄ is approximately equal to 约等于

Ↄ is approximately equal to 约等于号

< is less than 小于号

> is more than 大于号

ↇ is less than or equal to 小于或等于

ↈ is more than or equal to 大于或等于

% per cent 百分之…

ⅵ infinity 无限大号

ⅳ (square) root 平方根

X squared X的平方

X cubed X的立方

ⅿ since; because 因为

ⅾ hence 所以

ⅶ angle 角

↍ semicircle 半圆

↋ circle 圆

○ circumference 圆周

△ triangle 三角形

↌ perpendicular to 垂直于

ⅻ intersection of 并,合集

ⅺ union of 交,通集

ⅼthe integral of …的积分

ⅲ (sigma) summation of 总和

° degree 度

′ minute 分

〃 second 秒

#number …号

@ at 单价

CNN) -- Kezai started receiving professional tennis coaching at the age of eight. Since then his father has worked hard to cover his training costs.

Two years on and it all seems to have paid off. In June, a local Chengdu company reached out to Li Chengpeng, Kezai's father, with an offer to sponsor Kezai.

Soon after, a professional photographer took pictures of Kezai and his father for advertisements. But the family's happiness was short lived. The company withdrew the sponsorship.

Though he says he was never given an explanation, Kezai's father believes it was because of his political activity. The company could not be reached for comment.

As a controversial blogger and writer, Li announced his plan to run for office as an independent candidate for China's National People's Congress of Wuhou District, a legislative body at the local level in Sichuan province.

"You never know the benefit of standing up if you always stay on your knees," Li declared in a campaign statement on his microblog, where he has more than three million regular followers. Through the power of social media, Li's original message was forwarded more than 3,000 times within a few hours on micro-blogging site Sina Weibo, a popular twitter-like service.

But such campaigns are rare in China.

The Chinese do not choose their own president or premier because all government officials are pre-decided.

However, elections are held on the local level, with all candidates approved by the party beforehand.

China's electoral law stipulates that every Chinese citizen over 18 has the right to vote and run in local elections. Those, like Li Chengpeng, seeking to become candidates for county or township legislatures must first register and secure confirmation of their candidacy. They must then be nominated as "deputy candidate" by political parties, social organizations or have the signed support of at least 10 registered voters in their constituency.

In practice, the government can rule candidates or any of their supporters unqualified and refuse to put them on the ballot, which critics say leaves ample opportunity for manipulation of the results.

"I know nobody on the ballot sheet. And I don't think my vote will make much difference," a retiree in Beijing said when she was asked to vote for the People's Congress district's last election.

In recent months, an unprecedented number of Chinese citizens have declared themselves as independent candidates, according to Li Fan, founder of the World and China Institute that promotes democracy at the local levels.

He said many candidates have grievances with the local government and feel they cannot get their voices out.

"They bid for the position as they think they can draw attention from the public for better solving of the problem," he said.

"Some local governments did think that their leadership was threatened by these (independent candidates), which is obviously not the case." Li Fan said.

Some believe there are concerns among the central government as well. On June 8, state-run media Xinhua quoted the head of the Commission for Legislative Affairs of the National People's Congress Standing Committee as saying that "there is no such a thing as an

'independent candidate' as it's not recognized by law." All candidates must follow the guidelines laid out by the government.

But some do manage to meet the guidelines and run under the banner of an independent. The history of China's independent candidates dates back to 1998, when Yao Lifa, a teacher in
