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1.Are you going on holiday for a long time?- _________

C.No. Only a couple of days.

2.Are you going to have a holiday?- _________A.Not

until next week.

3.Can you help me clear up the mess?- _________D.No


4.Can you help me?- _________B.Sure. What is it?

5.Could I borrow your bike?- _________B.I'm sorry, it's

not at hand now.

6.Could I speak to Jane, please?- _________C.I'm afraid

you've got the wrong number.

7.Could I use your telephone, please?- _________

C.Yes, of course.

8.Could you give me a helping hand? - __ B.Sure. What

can I do for you?- I want to clean my garage.

9.Do you have twenty dollars with you? -___.C.What

for?____ - I want to buy a notebook

10.Do you know who called Tom?- _________A.Yes, I

called him.

11.Do you mind if I smoke here?- _________B.Of course


12.Do you think this is a nice place?- _________D.Yes, I

think so.

13.Excuse me, sir. Do you mind answering me a few

questions?- _________B.No, of course not.

14.Good morning, John. How are you doing?- _____

C.Not so bad. And you?

15.Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?-

_________ B.Who's that speaking?

16.Have you been to Paris?- _________B.No, but I hope

to go there next year.

17.Hello, how are you? - ___ C.Fine, thank you.

18.How about going for a drive?- _________D.A good


19.How are you getting on today?- _________ A.Very


20.How can I get to the cinema?- _________ D.Go down

this street and turn left.

21.How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?- _________C.By


22.How did Tom learn French?- _________D.By taking a


23.How do I transfer calls? - _________C.Let me show


24.How do you like our city?- _________B.Oh, I love it.

It's so exciting.

25.How many languages does Peter speak?-

_________C.Four languages.

26.How many students do you teach?- _________C.About


27.How tall is your sister?- _________ D.She is as tall as I


28.How's your family?- _________ C.Not too bad.

29.How's your mother doing?- _________B.She is very


30.I bought this painting in my country. I hope you like it.

- _________C.That's just what I want!

31.I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me. -

_________ B.That's all right.

32.I need to go to the library today. Do you know what

time it closes? - _________C.At about 5:30

33.I think he is a good lecturer.---So do I.

34.I think the reference book(参考书)is very helpful.-

_________B.So do I.

35.I wish you success in your career.- ________D.The

same to you.

36.I'm awfully sorry.- _________D.That's all right.

37.Is it OK if I take this seat?- Sorry, _______C.it's taken.

38.- Is it possible for you to work late tonight? -

_______ D.I think so.

39.Is John there?- _________ A.Speaking.

40.Is Julie's husband wearing a suit? - _________B.Yes,

he is.

41.Is that seat taken?- _________ B.I don't think so.

42.Let me help you carry the suitcase.- _________A.It's

OK. I can manage.

43.Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.- _________

B.Pleased to meet you.

44.- Let's go for a drive. - _________ C.All right. Let's


45.Let's go to the library this afternoon.-

_________D.That's a good idea.

46.Many thanks.- _________C.It's my pleasure.

47.Must we come earlier tomorrow?- _________A.No,

you needn't.

48.- Shall we go out for dinner tonight?- _________

D.Sorry, I have a report to finish.

49.Sorry to have kept you waiting. - _________A.That's


50.Sorry to trouble you.- _________A.It's a pleasure.

51.Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.-

_________ B.I'm glad you like it.

52.Thank you for calling.- _________ C.Nice talking to


53.Thank you for your invitation.- _________ B.It's a


54.Thanks a lot. You've gone through so much trouble.-

_________A.It's no trouble at all.

55.Thanks for inviting me, John, but I've already made

other plans. - _ Oh! I'm sorry to hear that _. Maybe another time.

56.Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food. -

_________C.Thank you for coming.

57.This is a birthday present for you. - _________B.Oh,

what a surprise!

58.This is a challenging job. Who wants it? -

_________A.I'll take it.

59.This is heavy! What's in it? - ________B.My new

computer. I just bought it.

60.Tom told me that you collect stamps. -

_________D.Yes, I do. Do you?

61.Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _

Cheer up._This is not the end of the world.

62.We are planning an outing. __ Do you want to join

us?___- Sure.

63.What a beautiful dress you have on today!- _________
