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1.Can I help you 有什么需要帮助的吗

2.What color do you want 你想要什么颜色的

What size do you want 你要什么尺寸的

much is it 多少钱4. Can I try it on 我能试一下吗’ll tak e it.我会买它

kind of… would you like 你想要什么种类的……

you show me another你能给我换一个/件吗

you make it cheaper能便宜点吗

want to buy …for my…我想给我的……买……。

fits you well.非常适合你。 else还要别的吗

that all就这些吗’s all, thank you.就这些,谢谢。

you are.给你。 is your change.找你的零钱。问路:

me, is there a…near here打扰一下,这附近有……吗

me ,can you tell me how to get to ..打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么到…吗is a…….这有一个……吗

4. How far is it 有多远

5. Sorry, I’m new here, too.对不起,我也个新到这的。

can I get to …我怎么能到……

7. You’d better take a bus .你最好乘公交车。

I go there by…我能乘坐……到那吗

9. Is it far from here离这远吗

10. Which bus can I take我该乘坐那辆公交车

11. You can’t miss it. 你不可能错过它.

12. It’s about 15 minutes’ walk. 大约步行15分钟的路程。询问天气情况:

①What's the weather like ②How's the weather 天气怎么样陈述天气情况:

①What a cold/hot day today! 今天多么热/冷啊!

②It's a nice/fine. 天气很好。

③It's sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy/foggy. 晴天/多云/有风/下雨/下雪/有雾。


What’s the date today今天是几号


What day is it today今天星期几


What time is it now what’s the time now几点了


1.Who is your favorite….. 谁是你最喜欢的……

2.Which subject do you prefer, English or math哪一个是你最


My favorite subject is …我最喜欢的科目是……。

3.What sports do you like你喜欢什么运动


1.How was it假期怎么样

2.How was your weekend/holiday/trip你的周末/假期/旅行怎么

3. What did you do on weekends你周末干什么了

4. What are you going to do for your vacation 你假期打算干什么

5. Where will you go for your vacation你假期打算去哪

6. I am going to ..我打算去……。

7. When will you go there你将什么时候去那

8. When did you go there你什么时候去的

9. How will you get there你打算怎么去那

10. How long will you stay there 你打算在那


I will stay there for+时间。我打算在那呆……。

11. How long did you stay there你在那呆了多久

I stayed there for+时间。我在那呆了……。

long have you stay there你在那呆多久了

I have stayed there for +时间。我呆了……。

13. When shall we meet我们什么时候见面

14. Where shall we meet我们在哪见面

did you go 你去哪了

you been there before 你以前去过那里吗

have been there before. 我以前已经去过那了。

has he gone他去哪里了

you have a plan for your weekend周末你有什么计划吗would like to go …..我想去……。

you seen this movie before你以前看过这部电影吗

21. I saw this movie yesterday. 我昨天看了这部电影。打电话的常用语

1. Can I speak to…, please我能与……通话吗

2. He is not here right now. 他现在不在这儿。

3. Who is that 你是谁

4. Hold on, please. 请别挂线。/请稍等。

5. This is … (speaking) 我是…。
