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1 The boy was ______ years old and yesterday was his _____ birthday.

A. ninth; ninth

B. nineth; nine

C. nine; nineth

D. nine ; ninth

2 In the hospital I saw many people waiting ____ the doctor.

A. seeing

B. to see

C. for seeing

D. to seeing

3 I won’t watch the TV play if my father ____ me do my homework.

A. let

B. will let

C. won’t let

D. lets

4 .______ football fans are queuing to buy the tickets for the football match.

A. Two thousands

B. Thousand of

C. Thousands

D. Thousands of

5 —Have you seen ________ pen I left it here this morning.

—Is it _________ black one I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a, the

B. the, the

C. the, a

D. a, a

6 The Chens had a ____ visit to Canada last month.

A. five-days

B. five day

C. five-day

D. five days

7 Because he hurt his foot, _____ he could not play with us.

A. so

B. but

C. however

D. /

wondered _____ to do next.

A. who

B. what

C. how

D. where

9. ______ good news you’ve told me!

A. How

B. How a

C. What

D. What a

10 ---Would you mind if I close the window--- _________.

A. Of course not. Do please.

B. Ok. Do as you like.

C. That’s all right.

D. Yes, please.

11 The film _____________ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.

A. has began

B. have shown

C. had been on

D. had started

12 Her father will make ________ a kite ____________.

A. her, himself

B. her, herself

C. herself, herself

D. herself, her

13 There are trees on ______ sides of the street and shops on ________ side of it as well.

A. both / both

B. both / either

C. either / both

D. either / either

14 There is _____ “u” and ______ “s” in _____ word “use”.’

A. an , a , the

B. a, a, a

C. a, an, X

D. a, an, the

15. The number of the students in our school _____visiting now and

a number of them ___ harder than before.

A. are, studies

B. is , study

C. are , study

D. is , studies



Look at the diagram. It 16

something of home computer used by a

group of young people.

We asked thirty young people between

fourteen and eighteen. We asked them how

much 17 they usually spent on their

computers in a week, but we were most

interested in 18 they used their

computers for.

The usual time spent on a computer in a week was about twelve hours, with 19 user about thirty-two hours, and the lowest user only five hours.

All the children said they usuallly used computers 20 . Fourteen children told us they did some word processing (文字处理) 21 . Only two of them said computers helped with their lessons, and eight people told us they kept addresses and phone numbers on their computers or used 22 as diaries. Only three people said they were learning to make computer programmes and nobody looked up databases(数据库). None of them used computers for any 23 use.

The results show that computer use is quite high among 14~18 year old. They also show quite clearly that computers 24 by most young people as little more than game machines. The only other great uses are for word-processing and 25 address lists. Though computers are common in the homes of young people, they have not yet become useful in everyday life.
