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本设计运用纬地 5.88道路设计软件进行道路路线设计。本设计标段全线总长7304.526m。该路线包含3个平曲线,最大半径340m,最小半径270m;9个竖曲线,最大半径18200m,最小半径12600m;1座沿途构造物桥梁。路基宽度10m(土路肩0.75m×2,硬路肩0.75m×2,行车道3.5m×2),双向两车道。不设超高路段的行车道及硬路肩路拱横坡采用2.0%,土路肩路拱横坡3.0%。设计填方总量35782m3,挖方总量36530m3,填挖基本平衡,且路基稳定性好,不需设置挡土墙,主要采用植物防护。

本设计运用HPDS路面设计软件进行路面结构设计。路面材料采用沥青混凝土结构,选用沥青混凝土材料。路面上面层采用4cm厚的细粒式沥青混凝土AC-13,下面层采用6cm厚的中粒式沥青混凝土AC-20,基层采用20cm厚的水泥稳定碎石,垫层采用20cm 厚的水泥粉煤灰碎石。


The construction drawing design of the

Fu Bai second-class highway


The graduation design is the construction diagram design of Fu Bai second-class highway. It connects Futiansi and Bailuo, which is located in plains. It is a two-lane, two-way road, and the design speed of road is 60km/h. The line of design length is about 7.1km. The graduation thesis asks for measured topographic map, it is on the basis of the theory of Road Survey and Design and Subgrade and Pavement Engineering. It needs to synthetically consider the local technology and economic conditions. To have a independent operations in strict accordance with construction drawing design process. Main including alignment design, pavement structure design and subgrade design. All index should meet the requirements of the relevant specification.

The 5.88 road design software is applied for road route design. The line of design length is 7304.526m, containing 3 plane curves, which maximum radius is 340 meters and the minimum radius is 270 meters. And 9 vertical curves, which maximum radius is 18200 meters and the minimum radius is 12600 meters. Roadbed width is 10m (earth shoulder is 0.75m × 2,hard shoulder is 0.75m × 2 , carriageway is 3.5m × 2), and freeway is two lanes. The no superelevation sections were designed and hard shoulder’crown slope is 2%, earth shoulder’ crown slope is 3%. Designed to fill the total square is 35264m3, the excavation total square is 39229m3.Filling and digging remaining balanced. Subgrade is very stable, and it is unnecessary to set retaining walls and use plant protection measures.

HPDS pavement design software is applied for road structure design. The pavement material is with asphalt concrete structure, selection of asphalt concrete material. The top layer with thickness of 4cm fine grained asphalt concrete AC-13, the following layer adopts 6cm grain type asphalt concrete AC-20. Pavement is made of 20cm cement stabilized macadam , and cushion is made of 20cm cement flying-ash gravel pile.
