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1.令老师非常高兴的是,新的教学方法吸引了学生的注意力。(delight, attract)

2.英国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰王国组成,这让很多学生很困惑。(consist, puzzle)

3.我认为在方便的时候澄清我的立场很值得。(worthwhile, clarify, convenience)


(arrange, do, thill)


(furnished, construction)

6.真是奇怪,那个年轻人竟然取代了那个有经验的经理。(strange, place)

7.她高兴地发现她的女儿已经改掉了那个坏习惯。(delighted, break)


(credit, leave)

9.大致来说,现代建筑分为三类(categories). (roughly, divide)


(available, convenient, refer)

Further information ___________

11.我无法想象你在的报告中居然漏掉如此重要的信息。(imagine, leave)

12.让学生们高兴的是老师对他们一视同仁。(delight, alike) 13.我们只有团结起来才能创造灿烂辉煌的未来。(unite, splendid)

Only when

14.你觉得花这么多时间澄清问题值得吗?(worthwhile, spend, clarify)

Do you think _______


1. 我很高兴的看到这个问题很快被解决了。(see, settle)

2. 他们把门锁了好长一段时间。(keep, lock)

3. 她失望的发现她的建议被拒绝了。(find, turn down)

4. 她想让她的油画在艺术馆展览,但是我们认为她的作品并不受欢迎。(want, display)

5. 当他苏醒过来时,发现自己被敌军包围了。(come to life, surround)

6. 父亲生气地离开了房间,留下(leave)他一个人坐在桌旁。(leave, seat)

7. 所有的老师正在讨论这个计划,他们想让这个计划明年得以执行。

(would like, carry out)

8. 周围种了许多五颜六色的花,她的房子看上去就像一座漂亮的花园。(with, plant)


1. To the delight of the teacher, the new teaching method attracted the attention of the students.

2. The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which makes many

students puzzled.

3. I thought it worthwhile to clarify my stand at my convenience.

4. Her parents arranged a big party for her twentieth birthday, which did thrill her very much.

5. He is now living in a furnished department, for the new house he has bought is under


6. It is strange that the young man should have taken the place of the experienced/expert


7. She was delighted to find that her daughter had broken away from the bad habit.

8. To her credit, the little girl dressed in white played actively with the boy who felt left out.

9. Roughly speaking, modern architecture is divided into three categories.

10. Further information is available on the Internet, so if it is convenient for/to you, you can

refer to it.

11. I can’t imagine that you should have left out such important information in your report.

12. What delights the students is that the teacher treats them alike.

13. Only when we are united can we create a splendid future.

14. Do you think it is worthwhile to spend so much time (in) clarifying the problem?

1. I was delighted to see the problem settled quickly.

2. They kept the door locked for a long time.

3. She was disappointed to find her suggestions turned down.

4. She wants her paintings displayed in the gallery, but we don’t think them popular.

5. When he came to life, he found himself surrounded by enemy soldiers.

6. His father left the room angrily, leaving him seated alone at the table.

7. All the teachers are discussing the plan and they would like it carried out the next year.

或All the teachers are discussing the plan that they would like carried out the next year. 8. With many colorful flowers planted around the building, her house looks like a beautiful

