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1.You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet __________ (calm) your friend down

2. The big earthquake that happened in Qinghai destroyed the county of Yushu __________ . (entire)

3.I’m __________ (concern) about my final exam because I was absent for illness.

4.While __________ (walk) the dog, you were careless and it

got_________ (lose) and was hit by a car.

5.Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to,like your

_________ (feel) and _________ (think).

6.They had to hide or they would be_________(catch) by the German Nazis.

7.She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were_________(discover).

8.I happened _________(be) upstairs at dusk when the window was open.

9.The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the_________(thunder) clouds held me entirely in their power.

10.It was the first time in a year and a half that I_________(see) the

night face to face.

11.It’s no pleasure_________(look) through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.

12.I’ve got tired of_________(look) at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.

13.I’m not very good at_________(communicate) with people.

14.Although I try_________(talk) to my classmates, I still find it hard _________(make) good friends with them.

15.I would be_________(grate) if you could give me some advice.

16.It’s a good habit for you_________(keep) a diary.

17.Linda has recovered from_________(ill).

18.I need to pick up my things in the suitcase very_________(quick).

19.I don’t want to end the_________(friend).

20.It will help you_________(improve) your English if you keep a diary in English.


1.[2010·浙江卷] After that,he knew he could_________

any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. A.get away with B.get on with C.get through D.get across 2. Mary, I should tell you it is the third time that you__________ your homework.

A.forgot to do B.forgot doing C.have forgotten to do D.had forgotten doing 3. No matter how low you consider yourself,there is always someone_________ you wishing they were

that high.

A. getting rid of

B. getting along with

C. looking up to

D. looking down upon

4. —Have you known Dr.Jackson for a long time?

—Yes, since he _________ the Chinese Society.

A.has joined B.joins

C.had joined D.joined

5.You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _________ you,I suppose.

A. agree with

B. agree to

C. agree on

D. agree about
